Rhinoplasty Procedures – Correcting an Enlarged Turbinates

Rhinoplasty Procedures - Correcting an Enlarged Turbinates | HoustonRhinoplasty plastic surgery can successfully treat enlarged turbinates. Turbinates are the fine, narrow bones that project outwards from the septum within the nasal cavity. Turbinate ends appear as tiny, curled knobs.
Turbinates are of three types:

  • Superior turbinates: These bones are located in the upper portion of the nose between the nose and eyes.
  • Middle turbinates: These are located in the middle portion of the nose.
  • Inferior turbinates: These bones lie directly on top of the nostrils.

During the initial consultation process, the surgeon will examine the patient’s nose to determine whether enlarged turbinate surgery is suitable for them.
Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide rhinoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Turbinate Rhinoplasty

Enlarged turbinate surgery can treat turbinates that have become inflamed due to irritants or allergies. Sometimes a turbinate may be constricted due to a deviated septum pushing it to one side.
Consequently, the turbinate on the other side will become bigger to compensate for compressed turbinate causing further breathing problems.
Certain surgeons choose to eliminate tissue to reduce the size of an enlarged turbinate. On the other hand, some surgeons prefer not to remove any tissue at all. Rather, the surgeon breaks the turbinate outwards. Turbinates moisten and warm the air that enters the nose facilitating proper breathing.
The removal of turbinates can sometimes lead to a painful condition called atrophic rhinitis. But if the surgeon fractures the turbinate in the outward direction and away from the septum, and then repositions it correctly, it creates a broader airway. This allows the turbinates to function properly.

Surgical Procedure

Many techniques can be used to reduce the size of a turbinate. Turbinate resection or turbinate reduction is the procedure used to correct turbinate size.
The patient can undergo this procedure in an operating room or in-office. The surgeon will usually perform the turbinate resection and septoplasty at the same time.
Complete turbinate removal can affect the overall turbinate function leading to a very dry and crusty nose. The turbinate tissue may re-grow in some cases. This condition will require another surgical procedure to remove the new growth. However, in comparison to complete turbinate removal, this is still more acceptable.
Some techniques, such as radiofrequency reduction, coblation, and cauterization, can reduce the turbinate size without removing the turbinate tissue or the bone.
These techniques involve warming a portion of the turbinate with a specialized instrument. The turbinate shrinks due to the process of heating after some time.
Some procedures involve removing a portion of the turbinate. Surgeons should make sure that enough turbinate remains inside the nose while performing these procedures. The remaining turbinate can warm and moisten the air that enters the nose.
Another standard technique used to treat enlarged turbinated is known as Submucosal resection. Cosmetic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

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