Hair Transplantation Cost | Houston | Plastic Surgery | Medical SpaHair transplantation is a safe, proven and effective procedure to permanently treat hair loss and hair thinning and achieve substantial hair restoration. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is a renowned research-based practice providing some of the latest breakthrough techniques in hair restoration such as NeoGraft procedure.
During the initial consultation with cosmetic surgeons and hair restoration experts at the Aesthetic Center, the patient will have an opportunity to gain new insights about innovative and less invasive hair transplantation techniques such as NeoGraft. The NeoGraft expert will also discuss the cost estimate to help the patient make an informed choice. The Aesthetic Center provides NeoGraft hair transplant and other procedures to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Price Comparison with Traditional Surgery

Traditional hair transplantation surgery is a long and complex procedure, which may have several drawbacks including a higher financial endpoint. On the other hand, NeoGraft is an automated procedure that improves the efficiency of treatment and efficacy of results. The price tag for this less invasive procedure may turn out to be more affordable in comparison to traditional hair transplant surgery.
NeoGraft will typically involve a shorter recovery period, which means the patient will require fewer days off from work. This can prove to be a cost-effective and more practical benefit for some people. The cosmetic surgery and hair transplantation experts at the Aesthetic Center receive patients from Houston TX, and nearby areas for NeoGraft procedure.

Price Factors

The monetary amount of NeoGraft hair transplantation is likely to vary from one practice to another and sometimes even one patient to another at the same practice. One of the major factors affecting the cost is the practice location. Practices that are located in prime urban centers and major cities along the coastal areas will usually have a higher cost of living as compared to smaller towns and interior regions. This has an impact on the average cost of most types of products and services, including hair transplant aesthetic procedure.
The technology, equipment, quality standards and training and experience of the operating team of plastic surgeons and staff members will also affect the average base cost of NeoGraft procedure. It will usually affect your bank account more to maintain the most prolific and exceptional standards of care and provide personalized services. But in any aesthetic procedure, it is always an astute idea to choose the highest quality care for the sake of safety, satisfaction, and long-term benefits.

Insurance and Financing

NeoGraft and other hair transplant procedures will usually not be covered under the patient’s health plan because it is not a medically necessary procedure. However, the patients will almost always have several financing avenues open to them in order to pay for the procedure in affordable monthly installments.
The treatment provider may accept payment through check or credit cards. Patients should also explore financing through professional medical care finance firms, which specialize in offering low interest loans for such procedures. Traditional financing options such as bank loans and personal borrowings will also be available to most patients seeking hair transplantation.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Hair Transplantation Doctor | Houston | Plastic Surgery | Medical SpaHair loss is a serious aesthetic concern for many men and women in the US. Among various hair re-growth solutions available today, hair transplantation continues to be the most effective one. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery offers a cutting edge, minimally invasive hair transplant technique called NeoGraft.
The cosmetic surgeons and hair transplant experts at the Aesthetic Center can restore hair and a fuller hairline using NeoGraft’s advanced, fully automated transplantation process. It avoids the limitations of other hair restoration procedures, and produces excellent outcomes without incisions or sutures. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides NeoGraft to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

NeoGraft Experts

The Aesthetic Center is led by pre-eminent plastic surgeons, including Dr. Christopher Patronella, Dr. Henry Mentz, Dr. German Newall, Dr. Paul Fortes, Dr. Rolando Morales, and Dr. Kristi Hustak. The center is not only one of the foremost cosmetic surgery practices in Texas and the US, but is also one of the first private plastic surgery practices in the country to have its own in-house research center.
This enables the group to introduce some of the most innovative and advanced surgical and non-surgical techniques that are revolutionizing the art and science of aesthetic treatments. NeoGraft hair transplantation is one of the most innovative procedures offered at the practice for people seeking hair restoration without the invasiveness of traditional hair transplant surgery.
ACPS surgeons and NeoGraft experts continually evaluate and implement the latest improvisations and technology upgrades in hair restoration procedures. Their goal is to deliver proven and safe outcomes while optimizing comfort, minimizing recovery and avoiding pain, complications and scars as far as possible.
The teams of highly trained and experienced staff members at their offices and surgery center are dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care to every patient in a state of the art clinical setting. They receive NeoGraft patients from Houston TX, and nearby areas.

Customized Hair Transplantation

The hair transplant doctors at the Aesthetic Center recognize that the hair growth patterns, hair loss and hair thinning conditions, and personal aesthetic needs of every patient can be unique. Therefore, they will consider each case individually, and design a NeoGraft hair transplant procedure that closely matches with the patient’s needs.
This allows for more targeted results to be achieved in less invasive manner. Patient satisfaction levels are higher because they receive results according to their innate aesthetic desires and expectations. Discomfort and downtime are minimized in this approach and the overall treatment experience of the patient is significantly enhanced.

Recognition in Research

The research performed at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery has been featured in leading industry publications such as the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. The group received the journal’s prestigious “Best Article Award” in 2008.
ACPS surgeons have presented their research findings and expertise at various medical conferences nationally and internationally. The doctors at the center have also won numerous awards and honors, including H Texas Magazine’s Top Doc Award and Health and Fitness Magazine’s Doctors’ Choice Award for multiple years.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Augmentation Cost | Plastic Surgery | Houston TX | Katy Med SpaBreast augmentation cosmetic surgery ranks as the number two procedure in terms of popularity in the US after liposuction. One of the reasons is that procedure has become fairly cost competitive over the years. However, it continues to be a major surgery, and patients should ideally choose the procedure according to their needs and without any compromise on safety and quality.
An experienced plastic surgeon will take care to explain various pros and cons of breast augmentation, and discuss its estimated costs at the time of the initial consultation. This will allow the patient to make an informed decision. The team of leading plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides this procedure to patients in Houston  TX, and surrounding communities.

Cost Factors

The cost of breast augmentation plastic surgery is likely to vary between two practices, and sometimes may even vary between two patients at the same practice. The following factors will affect the overall cost of the procedure:
Location Factor
In leading urban centers and along the west and east coasts, the average living costs tend to be higher than in other parts of the country. Living costs in a region are impacted by the median household income, real estate costs, employment opportunities, and taxation. For instance, the cost of breast augmentation in Houston TX, and nearby areas may not be the same as the cost in, say, Michigan.
Surgeon’s Fee
A highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon may charge a higher fee for breast augmentation procedure as compared to a relatively new or less qualified surgeon. Best surgeons will adopt the most advanced surgical techniques and technology, invest in continuing education, and have a completely patient-centric focus during the entire treatment process.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a patient should choose the right surgeon for their needs, and treat factors such as the surgeon’s fee only as secondary while making a choice.
Anesthesia and Surgical Room Costs
If breast augmentation is performed using general anesthesia, the services of an anesthesiologist or a certified anesthetist nurse may be used. Their fee will vary according to their qualifications and experience.
Breast augmentation may be performed at a hospital, an accredited ambulatory surgical center, or a private surgical suite. The costs and benefits in each case will differ, and have an impact on the overall monetary amount of surgery.

Breast Implant Costs

One of the cost components in breast augmentation surgery is the dollar amount of implants. Traditional saline implants are usually a little cheaper than silicone implants. Some of the latest qualities in highly cohesive and form stable silicone implants may cost considerably higher, but provide superior value. The overall price tag of surgery will be impacted by the choice of implants.

Insurance and Financing

Insurance coverage may only be available when breast augmentation is a part of breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. In other cases, patients should explore various financing options to pay for the procedure in convenient and affordable monthly installments.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery | Houston TX | Breast ImplantsBreast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to enhance the size of a woman’s breast through surgical placement of implants. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, more than 4.5 million breast augmentation surgeries have been performed between 1997 and 2012 in the US. At present, breast augmentation is the second most popular aesthetic surgery procedure in the country after liposuction.
Breast augmentation should only be performed a plastic surgeon with a proven track record of success with breast surgery procedures. The team of eminent plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is equipped to provide breast augmentation using cutting edge surgical techniques. The center receives patients from Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Need for Breast Augmentation

Patients may choose breast augmentation plastic surgery procedure or one or more of the following reasons:


Customizable Procedure

One of the key reasons behind the popularity of breast augmentation surgery is that the procedure can be significantly customized to suit the specific needs of a patient. Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS provide this procedure to patients in Houston TX, and other areas.
Types of Implants
Breast implants approved by the FDA include saline-filled and silicone gel-filled implants. Ultra cohesive silicone implants, called gummy bear implants, are also becoming popular nowadays. Patients will also have as choice between various sizes, shapes, profiles, and textures of implants.
Placement of Implants
Implants may be placed subglandularly or submuscularly. For such placement, the breast pocket will be created surgically below the pectoral muscle, or in front of the pectoral muscle, behind the breast tissue.
Incision Location
The surgeon may place the incision discreetly below the breast crease at the base of the breasts, under the arms, along the lower half of the areola border, or even around the navel in exceptional cases.

Surgical Procedure

The procedure will begin with the surgeon placing an incision in a discreet location as decided during the pre-op treatment planning. Through the incision, the surgeon will create a breast pocket to accommodate the implant in the desired position as already planned. The implant will be inserted through the incision and adjusted correctly into the breast pocket.
Once the implant placement is complete, the incisions will be closed with traditional or absorbable sutures. The procedure is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Most patients will be able to return home the same day after surgery.


Mild pain and soreness in the incision site will remain in the first week, which can be addressed with prescribed pain medications. In about 10 to 14 days, the patient should be in a position to return to their normal routine or go back to work.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos | Houston TXMommy makeover is a comprehensive cosmetic surgery procedure combining two or more surgeries to restore the pre-pregnancy figure for a mother. During the pre-op consultation process, the surgeon will discuss various possibilities in this surgery as per the patient’s needs.
An experienced plastic surgeon will also usually present mommy makeover before and after photographs at this time to help the patient make an informed decision. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides state of the art mommy makeover and other procedures to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

What are Mommy Makeover Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of mommy makeover plastic surgery refer to a pair or group of pictures belonging to an earlier patient who has received the same procedure with satisfactory results. The pictures include images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a time when the post-operative bruising and swelling has been resolved and full effects of the procedure have been established.
The cosmetic surgeon will try to choose such before and after images which represent a similar type of mommy makeover with similar procedures that the new patient is planning to undergo. This will ensure that an accurate perspective about this procedure is established for the patient. The purpose of before and after pictures is primarily to educate new patients about the potential effectiveness of the procedure, and help them to make an informed choice.


A mommy makeover is a major procedure that will typically involve multiple surgeries. A new patient may be apprehensive about how this procedure will impact their overall appearance, and whether it may help her meet her personal aesthetic needs. Some women may require relatively less invasive or less number of procedure, while others may need more extensive physical improvements.
Sometimes non-surgical rejuvenation procedures may be included with a mommy makeover. The patient will have to make the optimal choices of surgical and non-surgical procedures to achieve desirable results. This is where mommy makeover before and after photos can help a lot in ensuring that the patient makes the right choices. ACPS receives patients from Houston TX, and nearby areas for this surgery.

Being Realistic

Women who have clear goals and realistic expectations from an aesthetic procedure are likely to feel more satisfied in the end, which is the ultimate purpose of any such procedure. Therefore, the surgeon will usually present mommy makeover before and after photos right at the outset to make sure that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the results.
With a clear understanding established between both sides, the chances of the patient feeling disappointed in the end are mitigated. Experienced surgeons will usually encourage patients to go through as many before and after photos as possible from different sources before they make up their mind about a major surgery such as mommy makeover.

Photos on the Website

The surgeon has the option to provide mommy makeover before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can review the photos conveniently online and then make a better informed discussion with the surgeon during the first consultation.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Cost | Houston TX | Breast AugmentationPregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it can take its toll on a woman’s body. Many mothers may develop excess fat deposits in certain areas of the body, loose and sagging skin, and cellulite and stretch marks following pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is possible regain the pre-pregnancy figure with mommy makeover cosmetic surgery.
During the initial consultation process, the surgeon will discuss various aspects of a mommy makeover, including its estimated cost. The first goal of a surgeon should be to help the patient make an informed decision in all respects. Experienced, stellar, and sagacious plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide mommy makeover to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Costs According to Customized Surgery

Mommy makeover is a highly customizable procedure because it usually combines two or more plastic surgery procedures. Some women may need a substantial improvement in their appearance, which may involve procedures such as tummy tuck, breast lift or breast augmentation, liposuction, buttock lift, or other body contouring surgeries.
In another case, a woman may be looking for only a single procedure such as breast augmentation combined with targeted liposuction and cellulite reduction treatments. In many cases, the surgeon may recommend a combination of both surgical and non-surgical procedures to make the mommy makeover less invasive.
In every situation, the cost of the procedure will be computed according to the type and number of procedures involved, the extent of surgery to be performed, and the complexities involved in a particular case. Patients should ask questions and clarify all their concerns about costs and other issues during the pre-op consultation process.


Mommy makeover will typically combine multiple surgeries, which will be performed at one time. This makes the procedure more cost-effective as compared to a situation where individual procedures are performed separately. The price tag for anesthesia, surgical facility costs, the costs of post-operative tests, visits to the surgeon’s office, and prescribed drugs will take place only once.
The fee charged by the cosmetic surgeon may also be more cost-effective because multiple procedures are performed at once. ACPS is a leading surgical center receiving patients from Houston TX, and nearby areas for mommy makeover and various other procedures of the breast, body, and face.


A mommy makeover surgery is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, and it is unlikely that the costs may be covered under the patient’s health plan. However, in a few cases, a procedure may become a medical necessity, which could be covered as a part of a mommy makeover.
For instance, oversized breasts may cause back or neck pain, difficulty in movement, and skin irritation following pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such cases, the patient may explore the possibility of partial coverage if the procedure is a part of a mommy makeover.


A number of medical care financing companies are willing to offer low interest loans to patients seeking plastic surgery procedures such as a mommy makeover. Patients may also consider other financing sources such as credit cards, bank loans, and personal family borrowings. Even crowd funding can be tossed into the picture.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) vs. Laser LiposuctionTummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) vs. Laser Liposuction

One of the common aesthetic concerns among both women and men in the US is uneven body contour around the waist area. This can occur when excess fat tissue deposits accumulate around the abdomen. If the fats do not respond to diet or exercise, the individual has the choice of tummy tuck cosmetic surgery or relatively less invasive procedures such as laser liposuction in some cases.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is a state of the art practice providing both invasive and non-invasive aesthetic procedures. Leading plastic surgeons and other experts at the practice will recommend the appropriate procedure for body contouring in the abdominal area. The practice receives patients from Houston TX, and surrounding communities.


Excess fat deposits and loose skin in the abdominal area may occur due to sedentary lifestyles, genetic reasons, disease and other factors. Several techniques in tummy tuck cosmetic surgery are available, and the surgeon will recommend the appropriate technique according to the patient’s anatomical condition and their personal aesthetic goals. Full tummy tuck or partial abdominoplasty may be performed as per the patient’s needs.
A full traditional tummy tuck procedure will usually include correction in both upper and lower abdomen. Excess skin will be removed, and the underlying weak abdominal muscles may be tightened. Sometimes circumferential tummy tuck may be performed, which will also include fat reduction in the flanks. In full tummy tuck surgery, the repositioning of the belly button is also involved. Mini tummy tuck, on the other hand, is a less invasive procedure with smaller incisions and no navel incision.
Experienced plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide a wide range of procedures for the breast, body and face, including tummy tuck surgery. Patients in Houston TX, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive surgery from them.

Laser Liposuction

In some cases, similar goals as tummy tuck can be achieved with laser assisted liposuction procedure. Advanced laser technology allows for controlled delivery of heat energy into the deeper fat layers of the abdomen. Once the unwanted fat tissue is liquefied, it can be removed with a suction process in a less aggressive manner. A special laser-tipped surgical instrument is applied to destroy targeted fat cells in the laser lipo procedure.
This technique in laser liposuction is called SmartLipo, which requires the patient to be only under local anesthesia. The trauma to the surrounding healthy tissue is reduced with this laser guided fat reduction treatment. Another laser assisted technique for the abdominal fat reduction is called ProLipo. In this technique, laser fibers deliver heat energy to the targeted fat cells. Tumescent local anesthesia is used in this technique.
Patients should be aware that the laser liposuction procedure offers a more limited but less invasive approach as compared to tummy tuck. In case of tummy tuck surgery, loose abdominal skin is excised, sagging muscles are tightened, and excess fat may be removed with or without liposuction. The surgeon will recommend laser lipo or tummy tuck surgery according to the requirements of a particular case.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Tummy Tuck Surgery RecoveryTummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) Recovery

When seeking to undergo tummy tuck cosmetic surgery, the patient should gain a clear understanding of the entire process from pre-op planning to stage to full recovery. This knowledge will not only help a patient make the right decisions, but also ensure that they are confident and realistic throughout the procedure and achieve more satisfactory results.
An experienced plastic surgeon will educate the patient about various aspects of tummy tuck procedure, including its estimated recovery. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery, led by experienced plastic surgeons, provides tummy tuck and other procedures to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Key Factor in Recovery

Tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure can be performed using various surgical techniques, which involve different lengths of incisions and differences in the amount of fat and skin removed or tightening of underlying abdominal muscles. Some patients may only need a partial or mini tummy tuck procedure, while others may require a full traditional abdominoplasty or even combine liposuction of love handles along with tummy tuck.
The overall recovery and the amount of downtime involved will be determined largely by this factor. The skills of the cosmetic surgeon in performing the procedure as well as the patient’s commitment to adhere to post-op recovery instructions will also make an importance difference to the recovery process. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receives patients from Houston TX, and nearby locations.

Recovery Process

In case of a mini tummy tuck procedure, the patient will usually require only about a week of minimal physical activity before they can return to a more normal routine. A standard or extended tummy tuck surgery, which includes treatment in both lower and upper abdomen, will usually require 10 to 14 days of reduced activity following surgery.
In standard as well as extended tummy tuck, the surgeon may place drainage tubes at the incision site. These are usually removed in about one week. The patient will have to wear a compression garment for support in order to expedite healing. Immobilization is neither required nor recommended during the recovery period.
In a day or two following the surgery, the patient should start walking around the home and slowly start to perform simply everyday tasks. Vigorous activities, heavy lifting of weights and aggressive exercises should be avoided for a few weeks. Complete healing of incisions generally takes place in about two to three weeks.
Patients with primarily sedentary jobs may be able to join back at work in about a week’s time. Others with more strenuous jobs may require two to three weeks before they may return to work. In any case, such decision should be taken only in consultation with the plastic surgeon.

Follow-up Visits

If the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient may be required to visit a day after the procedure to determine the condition. A support garment may be provided during this visit to prevent clot formation. Weekly visits to monitor the condition may be scheduled after the first follow-up.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons
Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons

The acceptance and popularity of plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures has grown significantly over the years, resulting in a mushrooming of surgical service providers. While most of these service providers may claim to be qualified plastic surgeons, it may not be an accurate description because not every surgeon is a plastic surgeon. Patients need to understand the distinctions carefully in such situations.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is a leading practice offering the services of highly experienced and widely recognized plastic surgeons. The illustrious track record of achievements and honors earned by these surgeons, including some with board certifications, provide a strong reassurance to patients about the highest quality of care that the practice provides. The center receives patients from Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Most of the cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are elective in nature. That increases the responsibility of the surgeon to keep patient safety as the topmost priority over all other considerations. At the same time, patient’s expectations with regard to their aesthetic goals must also be met. This challenging task can be performed only by a surgeon with years of training and experience behind them, and a proven track record of performance with high success rates.
Patients should choose the right cosmetic surgeon, whether on the basis of their skills, experience and recognition from various quarters, or looking into their board certifications and affiliations with eminent plastic surgery societies. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), and respective cosmetic surgery societies in every state are some of the premier organizations.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides a wide range of breast, body and face procedures to patients in Houston TX, and nearby locations.

Legal Support for ASPS and ABPS

The ASPS, ABPS, and the Utah Plastic Surgery Society (UPSS) recently won a favorable decision in the 10th District US Courts of Appeals in Denver, CO. A patient safety and awareness campaign led by these organizations that made a distinction between qualified plastic surgeons and other surgeons became the subject of a lawsuit.
The lawsuit was dismissed by a local court, and now the dismissal has been upheld in the Appeals Court. The plaintiffs has argued that the patient education campaign launched by these societies was causing business loss to non-plastic surgeons. The dismissal of this lawsuit was upheld by the appellate court, marking a crucial legal victory for organized plastic surgery.

‘Do Your Homework’ Campaign

The impactful ‘Do Your Homework’ public awareness campaign launched by the ASPS is aimed at encouraging patients to seek correct information about a surgeon’s qualifications and training before proceeding with a surgery. The recent legal support for the ASPS in a way reconfirms the campaign’s significance and validity.
The President of UPSS, Brian Brzowski, pointed out that the court’s decision highlights the need to build patient education on the vital distinctions between qualified plastic surgeons and lesser trained surgeons who might present themselves as being equally qualified or even somewhere in the vicinity. There is a stark difference.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Women and Cosmetic Surgery

Why cosmetic surgery?

Women’s bodies undergo so many changes through adolescence, pregnancy, post pregnancy and menopause. Not all the times you can regain your shape. Nowadays every woman wants to look perfect around the clock, and it sometimes it can’t be achieved through mere exercise and diet. At times, a little extra nip & tuck is needed to attain the look they desire. There are several cosmetic procedures that are designed to attain the desired look.
At the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX, the surgeons work and research unceasingly on latest surgical technologies to provide the patients a wide range of surgical and non-surgical procedures. There are many methods to transform your body. The ACPS staff are here to share information of any procedure and also clarify any doubts or worries.

Surgical Methods

Facial Procedures: Surgical facial procedures include facelift, rhinoplasty, forehead lift, chemical peel, ear lobe repair, and more.
Body Contouring: The surgeons at ACPS envisage to resculpt the entire body. The most common plastic surgery procedures are liposuction, tummy tuck, butt lift, thigh lift, arm lift and lower body lift.
Breast Implant or Breast Augmentation: Breast augmentation is a procedure to enhance the breasts with implants. Breast reduction and breast lift surgeries are available.

Non-surgical Methods

ACPS provides several non-surgical cosmetic services, such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin, the effect of which is temporary and last for few months.
These non-surgical methods offer temporary wrinkle reduction and last for a few months.

Cost Involved

Beauty comes at a cost. The several different factors include:

At the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery, a price range is provided for every surgical procedure with no hidden costs. The price quoted to the patient is inclusive of surgeons and doctor’s fee, anesthesiologist’s fees and operation room charges, medicines, room rent and garment charges. The exact cost to the procedure can only be quoted after consulting the doctor.
It is very important to decide what procedure you wish to undergo, as well as the doctor you choose to do provide your services.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.