Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons

Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons
Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons

The acceptance and popularity of plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures has grown significantly over the years, resulting in a mushrooming of surgical service providers. While most of these service providers may claim to be qualified plastic surgeons, it may not be an accurate description because not every surgeon is a plastic surgeon. Patients need to understand the distinctions carefully in such situations.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is a leading practice offering the services of highly experienced and widely recognized plastic surgeons. The illustrious track record of achievements and honors earned by these surgeons, including some with board certifications, provide a strong reassurance to patients about the highest quality of care that the practice provides. The center receives patients from Houston TX, and surrounding communities.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Most of the cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are elective in nature. That increases the responsibility of the surgeon to keep patient safety as the topmost priority over all other considerations. At the same time, patient’s expectations with regard to their aesthetic goals must also be met. This challenging task can be performed only by a surgeon with years of training and experience behind them, and a proven track record of performance with high success rates.
Patients should choose the right cosmetic surgeon, whether on the basis of their skills, experience and recognition from various quarters, or looking into their board certifications and affiliations with eminent plastic surgery societies. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), and respective cosmetic surgery societies in every state are some of the premier organizations.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides a wide range of breast, body and face procedures to patients in Houston TX, and nearby locations.

Legal Support for ASPS and ABPS

The ASPS, ABPS, and the Utah Plastic Surgery Society (UPSS) recently won a favorable decision in the 10th District US Courts of Appeals in Denver, CO. A patient safety and awareness campaign led by these organizations that made a distinction between qualified plastic surgeons and other surgeons became the subject of a lawsuit.
The lawsuit was dismissed by a local court, and now the dismissal has been upheld in the Appeals Court. The plaintiffs has argued that the patient education campaign launched by these societies was causing business loss to non-plastic surgeons. The dismissal of this lawsuit was upheld by the appellate court, marking a crucial legal victory for organized plastic surgery.

‘Do Your Homework’ Campaign

The impactful ‘Do Your Homework’ public awareness campaign launched by the ASPS is aimed at encouraging patients to seek correct information about a surgeon’s qualifications and training before proceeding with a surgery. The recent legal support for the ASPS in a way reconfirms the campaign’s significance and validity.
The President of UPSS, Brian Brzowski, pointed out that the court’s decision highlights the need to build patient education on the vital distinctions between qualified plastic surgeons and lesser trained surgeons who might present themselves as being equally qualified or even somewhere in the vicinity. There is a stark difference.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.