Your Breast Enlargement Consultation | Houston Plastic SurgeryBreast enlargement is a major cosmetic surgery procedure, involving considerable preparation, recovery time and costs. The pre-operative consultation is an important part of this procedure, which will help the patient make an informed choice, and will enable the surgeon to create an appropriate surgical plan.
The decision to choose breast enlargement surgery is a highly personal one that should only be made after assessing all options. The plastic surgeons at Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Key Decisions during Consultation

Breast enlargement is a fairly customizable plastic surgery procedure with several options in terms of implants and surgical technique available to the patient. The patient should understand the options clearly in order to make the best decisions. An experienced surgeon will explain all options during the initial consultation in clear, comprehensible terms.
Type of Implants
The patient will have a choice between silicone, saline and ultra-cohesive silicone implants. Implant sizes would be available in the range of 120 cc to 960 cc. Choices will also be made regarding implant shape, texture and profile.
Implant Placement
The placement of breast implants may be made either submuscularly, which is below the pectoral muscle, or subglandularly, which is in front of the pectoral muscle, right behind the breast tissue.
Incision Location
Incisions in case of breast enlargement may be placed just beneath the breast crease at the base of the breast, along the perimeter of the lower half of the areola, or in the armpit. In a few cases, the implant may also be placed through an incision around the navel.
The patient should ideally bring a list of questions she wants to ask during the breast enlargement consultation. The surgeon will address all her concerns and queries in thorough detail. The cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas.


Determining the patient’s candidacy for breast enlargement will be a primary part of the consultation process. The surgeon will perform a basic health exam, assess the breast anatomy, including skin elasticity and texture, evaluate the patient’s medical and surgical history, and order any medical tests or mammograms, if necessary.
The surgeon will ask questions to understand the patient’s aesthetic needs and goals, and her reasons to choose breast enlargement procedure. The patient’s feedback will be incorporated into the surgical plan in order to produce desirable aesthetic outcomes.


During the breast enlargement consultation, the surgeon will instruct the patient to refrain from smoking for at least two to four weeks prior to the date of surgery. If the patient is taking any prescription drugs or blood thinning medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements, their schedules may have to be altered until a few weeks after the surgery.

Other Aspects

The estimated costs of breast enlargement surgery will be discussed during the consultation, including the insurance and financing aspects. The surgeon may also present before and after photos and testimonials of previous patients during this appointment to help the patient form realistic expectations.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Enlargement Risks | Safety Information |Houston Plastic SurgeryBreast enlargement has emerged as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in 2015 as per the figures released by the American Society for Plastic Surgery. Success rates of the procedure have improved dramatically over the years, but certain risks are still inherent to the procedure.
The patient should be aware of the risks in order to make a well-considered choice. The plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement and various other procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Post-Operative Risks

Capsular Contracture
Following breast enlargement plastic surgery, as the body heals itself, a natural scar tissue formation will occur around the implants. In some cases, the breast capsule thus formed from the scar tissue could contract, putting pressure on the implant, and leading to the hardening of breast, pain, and implant distortion.
The degree of severity of capsular contracture will be determined using the Baker Grading System. If the breast implant damage is of a higher grade, capsulectomy may have to be performed to remove scar tissue or replace the implant.
Implant Rippling
If the breast implant gets folded or wrinkled, the rippling effect can make the breast shape appear distorted. The risk of implant rippling may increase if the skin is stretched excessively due to overly sized implants. Dedicated cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas for breast enlargement and other procedures.
Like any other surgery, breast enlargement procedure will have an inherent risk of infection during or after the procedure. The procedure should be performed at a surgical venue with high standards of care and cleanliness to minimize the risk. If the patient experiences abnormal redness, tenderness or pain in the incision areas during recovery, or experiences fever, it may be due to an infection. The patient should promptly inform the surgeon in such situation.
Excessive fluid collection beneath the skin in the incision areas may cause hematoma. This condition can increase the risk of infection and capsular contracture. The surgeon will usually place drain tubes to remove excess fluid during the first few days after breast enlargement surgery. Care should be taken to keep the drain tubes away from the implants while inserting them.
Sensitivity or Numbness in Nipples
Minor sensitivity or numbness in the nipple area can occur after the breast enlargement surgery, but it will subside within a few days to a few months. In rare cases, the after-effect may be more prolonged or permanent. A skillful surgeon will be able to minimize the risk by minimizing disruption of the nerve pathways during the procedure.
Malpositioning or Rupture of Implant
Although malpositioning is a rare occurrence, it may be experienced by a few patients, just days after the breast enlargement procedure. Women with larger implants are at a higher risk of displacement. Implant rupture may cause deflated breasts in case of saline implant, while the leakage in silicone implants may only be noticed during a diagnostic imaging test.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Non-Surgical Med Spa Treatments in Houston | Medical Spa Texas | KatyNon-surgical aesthetic treatments have revolutionized the field of cosmetic physical enhancement. A wide range of innovative and advanced treatments are available today to restore youthfulness and correct imperfections in any area of the body. These treatments can be received independently or in combination with cosmetic surgery procedures.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provides state-of-the-art surgical as well as non-surgical cosmetic procedures using cutting edge technologies and techniques. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive these procedures from experienced plastic surgeons at ACPS.

Laser Skin Treatments

ACPS offers some of the latest laser treatments to serve as alternatives to plastic surgery. These include Fraxel Dual, Clear + Brilliant, and Intense Pulse Light that are designed to provide smoother, softer and more radiant skin. These treatments are customized to meet the specific aesthetic concerns of the patient. These include:

Laser Hair Reduction

ACPS is equipped with GentleYAG and IPL lasers that can effectively eliminate or significantly reduce hair and are well suited for all skin tones. Laser hair removal can be performed on almost any part of the body, including:

Chemical Peels

ACPS offers advanced peel systems from skincare leader SkinMedica. It provides three levels of peels in order to customize exfoliation to a patient’s unique needs:

Each peel will firm up and brighten the appearance of the skin. Results can be seen after just one peel. Best results will establish in about three to six peels.


Microdermabrasion makes use of massaging action of small crystals to remove the dead external layer of the skin. This will reveal a healthy glow and a smooth texture. The massaging action stimulates oxygenation to the skin as a result of improved blood circulation. It also promotes collagen to maintain volume and youthfulness of the skin. Board certified cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas.

Skin Care Products

ACPS recommends a professionally guided skin care routine that combines sun protection, cleansing, and moisturization, in addition to promoting a healthy skin cell turnover and collagen stimulation to fight the effects of aging. ACPS offers a comprehensive line of skin care products from two of the respected companies in skin care: SkinMedica and Obagi.
Some of the more popular skin care products at ACPS include:



Permanent Makeup

One of the convenient med spa treatment options for many people is permanent makeup. This solution can help to enhance the appearance without involving the kind of time commitment that is required in other treatment options. Both subtle and dramatic changes to the look can be created with the help of professional permanent makeup artists at ACPS.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Preparing for Tummy Tuck Surgery | Houston | AbdominoplastyPreparation is a vital part of any major procedure such as tummy tuck cosmetic surgery. Fantastic preparation will ensure that the patient goes through the surgical journey smoothly and with minimal risk of complications. Post-operative recovery period should also be covered as a part of the preparation process.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery, led by award winning and board certified plastic surgeons, provides cutting edge procedures, including tummy tuck. The ACPS provides these procedures in a state of the art surgical environment to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Balanced Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is a primary part of the tummy tuck plastic surgery preparation process. Nutrition will help fortify the immune system and cut down the risk of infections during or after surgery. Lean proteins should be an important component in the diet because these will promote faster post-operative healing. Chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt, and light cheese should be a part of the diet to increase protein intake.
A vitamin rich diet is generally good for the candidate’s health, but the use of vitamin E should be avoided for some time before and after tummy tuck surgery as it can aggravate complications. When a patient follows a balanced diet prior to the surgery, it will also help instill the habit of healthy eating. Patients can continue to maintain that habit after the surgery, which will help preserve the results of tummy tuck surgery for years to come.

Regular Fitness Regimen

For a few weeks prior to tummy tuck surgery, the patient should start following a regular fitness and exercise program. This will help to improve the body’s metabolism and increase the muscle mass. Patients who are able to maintain high fitness levels will typically have a smoother and faster recovery after tummy tuck. Exercise will also allow them to maintain a leaner and more efficiently functioning body.
The patient will be able to minimize natural weight gain in the days and weeks following the surgery when they must refrain from strenuous activities. Regular exercise routine will also help the patient maintain healthy habits, which will contribute to the sustainability of tummy tuck outcomes. Leading cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas.

Things to Avoid

The patient will be required to avoid smoking for at least two to four weeks prior to the tummy tuck surgery, and continue with that restriction well into the post-op recovery period. Smoking causes reduction of the oxygen flow in the blood, leading to a higher risk of complications and a slower recovery.
Blood thinning medications such as aspirin, herbal supplements and vitamins may have to be stopped at least two weeks prior to the tummy tuck surgery. These can increase the risk of bleeding as well as clotting.
Before the surgery, the patient can make advance preparations for the recovery phase. They can arrange for someone to drive them back home from the surgery, keep essential supplies at home, and preferably arrange for someone to help for the first 48 hours after the surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Your Tummy Tuck Consultation | Houston Plastic Surgery |AbdominoplastyWhen the patient has made up their mind to go ahead with tummy tuck cosmetic surgery, the first step will be to have personal consultation with the surgeon. Many surgeons will prefer to schedule the first appointment a few weeks ahead of the date of surgery, while some others may not want too much gap between the initial consultation and the surgery.
Leading plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide tummy tuck and various other cutting edge procedures for the breast, body, and face. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive tummy tuck at the ACPS.

Assessing the Patient’s Health

The pre-operative consultation process for tummy tuck plastic surgery will include an evaluation of the patient’s overall health to determine if they are fit candidates. A careful review of the patient’s medical history will be performed, and a few medical tests may be ordered.
The patient should be frank about sharing their past and present medical conditions, any medications that may be taking, and talk about their history of smoking and drinking. The surgeon will require them to stop smoking at least two weeks prior to the surgery. The patient’s skin type, elasticity and thickness as well as muscle strength in the abdominal area will be assessed to create a customized tummy tuck surgery plan.

Patient’s Cosmetic Goals

Cosmetic needs and goals are unique to each patient who seeks tummy tuck surgery. The cosmetic surgeon will try to understand the patient’s personal goals and incorporate these into the surgical plan. The degree of correction, the choice of surgical technique, and the location of incisions are some of the decisions that will require a surgeon to understand the patient’s individual cosmetic needs and goals.
With a surgical approach that is tailored to meet the specific goals of the patient, the surgeon can deliver more targeted results in a less invasive way. Higher patient satisfaction levels are usually obtained with a customized tummy tuck surgery. The ACPS receives patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas.

Patient Involvement

The patient should actively engage with the surgeon during the pre-op consultation, and discuss about their:


Surgeon’s Tasks

The surgeon will typically perform the following tasks during the initial consultation:

The surgeon may also present tummy tuck before and after photos during the initial consultation to show the potential effectiveness of the procedure.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Tummy Tuck Risks and Safety Information | Houston Plastic SurgerySome amount of risk is involved in any cosmetic surgery procedure, including tummy tuck. The surgeon will inform the patient about the potential risks during the initial consultation to help them make an informed decision. A skilled surgeon will be able to minimize risk by adhering to the most remarkable safety protocols.
Highly experienced, sensational, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide tummy tuck and various other procedures using advanced surgical techniques. The ACPS provides tummy tuck to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Tummy Tuck Risks

Some of the common risks that are associated with abdominoplasty include:
Poor Anesthesia Reaction
Tummy tuck will usually be performed with the patient under general anesthesia, which entails a higher risk than local anesthesia. Adverse reaction to general anesthesia may occur in rare situations. An experienced anesthesiologist will be able to detect the problem early before it complicates, and minimize the risk.
Blood Clot Formation
Following tummy tuck plastic surgery, blood clots may form inside a blood vessel. This is a rare occurrence, but it can complicate the blood flow. Patients who follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative care instructions diligently will be able to minimize this risk. Compression garment around the waist and mild post-operative exercises can improve blood flow and cut the risk of clotting.
Infection risks are the highest during and immediately after the tummy tuck procedure. The operating room should be completely clean and sterile to reduce the risk. Proper wound care is required after the surgery in order to mitigate post-operative infection risk. The patient should carefully follow the surgeon’s advice regarding wetting the wound or removing and changing bandages.
Seroma formation or collection of fluid between the skin flap and the muscle layer may occur after tummy tuck surgery. This can lead to infection. The surgeon will minimize this risk by placing drains below the incision areas. The patient will have to following instructions regarding measuring and emptying the drain every day until they are removed.
Delayed Healing
It can take up to four to six weeks until the bruising, swell and pain in the treated areas subside completely. However, if the patient continues to experience these symptoms beyond this stage, it may be termed delayed healing. Irregular healing may sometimes cause skin loss. Scarring in such patients is likely to be higher. The ACPS cosmetic surgeons receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for tummy tuck surgery.

Temporary Side Effects

The patient should expect certain mild side effects following tummy tuck, but these are not serious complications. These effects usually disappear by themselves in a few days. A common side effect is swelling, which can be improved with an abdominal binder or a compression garment.
Pain meds can be used to manage post-surgical pain in the first few days as prescribed by the surgeon. Bruising will usually subside in about two weeks after surgery. If the patient notices abnormal, severe, or persisting symptoms, they should get in touch with the surgeon for medical attention.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Procedure Steps | Houston Plastic SurgeryTummy tuck is a major cosmetic surgery procedure involving a number of steps. Some of the steps may differ according to the extent of surgery required and the type of surgical technique applied. The surgeon will discuss an overview of these steps during the initial consultation.
When the patient knows what to expect during tummy tuck surgery, their anxiety levels will be reduced and they will be better prepared to handle the surgery. The award winning, board certified plastic surgeons at ACPS provide tummy tuck and other procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Placing the Incisions

After the anesthesia has been administered, the surgeon will place discreetly located incisions in the abdominal area. The length and number of incisions will depend on the type of technique applied. A mini abdominoplasty may only involve a small incision made below the navel, while a circumferential abdominoplasty can involve an incision around the complete waist line, including the back.

Navel Repositioning

Navel repositioning may be required in many tummy tuck plastic surgery cases. It becomes critical to make the tightened and lifted abdomen appear more natural. The surgeon may detach the original navel and place it in a more youthful location. Sometimes the old navel may not be reattached, but a new navel may be artificially sculpted. Such an artistic surgical procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon.

Tightening Weak Muscles

The underlying muscles in the abdomen may become loose or separated over time. During tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon can tighten these sagging muscles. Through the incisions, the abdominal skin will be separated from the abdominal walls. The muscles will be pulled closer together and stitched into a position to provide them a more toned look. Abdominal muscle tightening will make the waistline appear narrower.

Excising Loose Skin

After the tightening of abdominal muscles, the surgeon will pull the skin downward to make it tight and smooth. Loose skin will then be trimmed away. In some cases, liposuction may be performed at this point to remove excess fat before the skin is pulled taut. The ACPS receives patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for tummy tuck and various other procedures.

Reducing Stretch Marks

Stretch mark removal is not one of the specific goals in tummy tuck surgery. But it is often possible to mitigate the impact of stretch marks, depending on where the incision is located. If the stretch marks are present below the navel, they are usually removed along with loose skin. Even other stretch marks may sometimes become less obvious after tummy tuck surgery.

Closing the Incisions

After the surgery is over, the skin will be sutured together with surgical stitches. This will allow the wounds to close naturally over time. The surgeon will insert a surgical drain below the skin at the site of incisions to collect excess fluid and minimize the risk of infection. At the time the stiches are supposed to be removed, the surgical drain may also be removed, or sometimes before the stitches are taken out.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Implant Types | Plastic Surgery | Houston | Breast AugmentationBreast augmentation currently ranks as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US. Ever since the FDA gave its approval for saline and silicone implants for breast enhancement, the acceptance for this procedure has continued to grow.
The right choice of implant type, size, profile, shape, and texture will have an impact on the final outcome of breast implant surgery. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast implants to patients in Houston, TX, and surrounding locations.

Broad Classification

Breast implants are broadly classified into saline and silicone gel implants on the basis of the material that is filled in the core of the implant. During the initial consultation for breast augmentation plastic surgery, the surgeon will explain the pros and cons of both implant types in order to help the patient make an informed choice.

Saline Implants

Saline implants were the first to be approved by the FDA for women above the age of 18. The core of these implants is filled with a saline solution to give them a natural shape. These implants were traditionally very popular, and still continue to be chosen by many women.
The advantage with these implants is that the saline solution is fully biocompatible, and poses no risk in the event of an implant leakage or damage. However, the touch and feel of the implant may be slightly firm for some patients.

Silicone Implants

Once the FDA approval was given for silicone gel implants for women above the age of 21, their popularity has surpassed that of saline implants. Silicone gel core provides high consistency to the implant and mimics the natural touch and feel of the real breast tissue.
The initial safety concerns with silicone implants have been adequately addressed over the years with improved qualities of silicone gel. Leading cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, TX, and nearby communities for silicone implants.

Ultra Cohesive Silicone Implants

Innovations in silicone implant qualities have led to the introduction of highly cohesive silicone implants. These implants, commonly called gummy bear implants or form stable implants, have been approved by the FDA. The silicone gel core in these implants has a very high density, which enables the implant to maintain its form and shape.
High viscosity of the silicone gel in these implants also makes them very safe for the patient. If the implant shell leaks or gets damaged or broken, the silicone gel will stay in its place and will not leak out to other areas of the body. Therefore, the popularity of these implants has surged for both aesthetic and safety attributes.

Size and Shape

Both saline and silicone implants are usually available in sizes ranging from 120 cc to 960 cc. The shape may be anatomical or teardrop shape and round shape, while the surface may be plain or textured. The breast surgeon will help the patient choose the appropriate size, profile, and shape according to her personal and unique aesthetic goals.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Plastic Surgery is Surging in America | Cosmetic Surgery | Houston TXThe field of cosmetic surgery has undergone a sea change in the last two decades. While at one time, these procedures were perceived to be only for movie stars and other rich and famous personalities, the costs have reduced dramatically over the years and the procedures have become easily accessible to an average individual. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide various procedures to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding locations.

Consistent Increase in Demand

With each passing year, various plastic surgery procedures have become progressively less complicated, less painful and more affordable. The demand for these procedures has risen with these improvements. Particularly, when a surgical procedure is performed by an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon, the results are typically very safe and highly desirable.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 15.9 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the US in 2015. This comes to one procedure for every 16 adults in the country. Leading cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, TX, and nearby areas.

Wider Acceptance of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery figures released officially by the ASPS shed light on the widening acceptance of aesthetic procedures among the American people.
Rise in Procedures
In 2000, a little over 7.4 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the country. This number has grown to 15.9 million in 2015, representing a rise of 115 percent over these years.
Leading Non-Surgical Procedures
Minimally invasive and non-invasive cosmetic procedures have seen robust growth in recent years. New techniques have made these procedures more successful and involving little to no downtime. The five leading minimally invasive procedures in 2015 included:

Leading Plastic Surgery Procedures
Liposuction and breast implant surgery have continued to be the topmost procedures in demand over the last few years. In 2015, breast implants secured the first place, followed by liposuction. The following top five procedures are ranked according to their popularity in 2015:

Butt Implants Gaining Popularity
On year-on-year basis, the highest growth percentage in cosmetic surgery procedures was witnessed in butt implant surgery in 2015. Until a decade ago, almost no one wanted buttock augmentation. In 2014, a total of 1,863 surgeries were performed, while 2015 saw a substantial jump to 2,540 surgeries.
Broad Range of Procedures
Plastic surgery is no longer confined to just breast enlargement or facelift. A diverse range of procedures in 2015 included the following:

Breast Reduction for Males
In 2015, an interesting new trend has emerged for men’s surgeries. Men accounted for about 40 percent of breast reduction procedures in 2015, setting a new record for this procedure.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Best Group of Plastic Surgeons in Houston | Katy | Cosmetic SurgeryThe Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) was established two decades ago, and quickly grew into one of the leading plastic and cosmetic surgery practices in Texas and the US. While ACPS is equipped with state of the art technology and offers access to best in class surgical and surgical procedures, its core strength lies in the outstanding capabilities and credentials of its team of surgeons.
Each of the plastic surgeons at ACPS is a leader in their respective areas of expertise and board certified by the prestigious American Board of Plastic Surgery. They make use of the latest surgical techniques and apply innovations to deliver optimal aesthetic outcomes in a less invasive manner. ACPS provides procedures for the breast, body and face to patients in Houston, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Exceptional Teamwork

Under the leadership of Dr. Christopher K. Patronella, the team of surgeons at ACPS works in close sync with each other to produce excellent outcomes in every case. The practice is built on the foundation that best results in plastic surgery can be achieved when there is a great level of understanding and teamwork among the surgeons and staff.
Wherever applicable, the team works with board certified anesthesiologists to ensure maximum safety and comfort of the patients. The team’s wide-ranging expertise and experience directly benefits the patient, and the team capabilities of ACPS distinguish it from many other practices. ACPS surgeons include:


Meet Dr. Patronella

Dr. Patronella was named by the Forbes magazine as one of the leading plastic surgery providers in the United States and one of the 10 most dependable plastic surgeons of the Western United States. Every year since 2004, Houston-area physicians and citizens have voted for Dr. Patronella as one of the top plastic surgeons in Houston. He along with other team members receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas.

Research and Innovation

The team of surgeons at ACPS holds the distinction of being one of the first private plastic surgery groups in the country to have its own in-house research center. The surgeons have introduced cutting edge innovations in various surgical techniques to improve safety, comfort and aesthetic outcomes.
The group’s research has been published in the prestigious Aesthetic Surgery Journal, and it also won the coveted “Best Article Award” in 2008. The surgeons in the group are regularly invited to share and present their expertise at various plastic surgery meetings worldwide.

Honors and Awards

At the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons (TSPS) meeting in 2015, the ACPS surgeons took some of the top awards in recognition of their research work. Dr. Patronella received the prestigious Fox Award, given to the best paper presentation as voted by the TSPS members. Dr. Morales received the YPS award given to the best paper by a young plastic surgeon.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.