Preparing for Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting Surgery | HoustonPreparation is a vital component of the Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery procedure, and will have a bearing on the final outcome. Preparation begins from the time the patient has decided to undergo Brazilian butt lift, and will continue till the day of the surgery. Experienced plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide this procedure to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Before the Initial Consultation

Prior to the initial consultation with the surgeon who will perform Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery, the patient should:


After the Consultation

At the time of initial consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will provide several instructions and guidelines to be followed as a part of the preparation process. The patient should be willing to follow these guidelines carefully in order to make their procedure safer and more effective.

Dedicated cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for Brazilian butt lift surgery.

A Day before the Surgery

Get adequate sleep the night before the surgery, and avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours prior to the surgery. Do not eat or drink for eight hours before the surgery. Go over the post-op care instructions and clarify any last-minutes doubts or concerns with the surgeon or staff. Arrange for several soft pillows at home, which will be needed during the early recovery phase as the patient will not be able to sit directly on their buttocks.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Buttock Augmentation Candidates | Houston Plastic Surgery
Buttock augmentation cosmetic surgery procedure has gained prominence in recent years, particularly where it involves the Brazilian butt lift technique. People who are looking for a relatively less invasive surgery to improve the shape and size of the buttocks can make suitable and salient candidates for buttock augmentation with fat grafting.
The procedure is also well-suited for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight, leading to volume loss in the buttocks and a sagging posterior. Experienced plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide buttock augmentation to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Meeting the Patient’s Unique Needs

Buttock augmentation plastic surgery procedure can be customized to meet the unique aesthetic needs and goals of a candidate. Whether an individual wants a subtle augmentation of their backside, or improve the shape and symmetry of the buttocks, they can benefit equally from buttock augmentation with fat grafting to create a firm and attractive rear end.
People who want to undergo tummy tuck, liposuction or other body contouring procedures, or women who want a mommy makeover, may also make quality and decent candidates for buttock augmentation if they are looking for a combination of procedures for more uniform results.

Who should Choose Buttock Augmentation?

To be qualified as a suitable candidate for buttock augmentation with fat grafting or Brazilian butt lift surgery, an individual should ideally fulfill the following criteria:

The cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for buttock augmentation.

Other Requisites for Candidacy

A fabulous candidate for buttock augmentation should also meet the following requirements:

The candidate should also be a non-smoker or be willing to stop smoking several weeks before and after the surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting Recovery Time | Houston TXBrazilian butt lift with fat grafting is a relatively less invasive cosmetic surgery procedure than a traditional butt lift. It involves smaller incisions and less intensive tissue manipulation. Therefore, the recovery will be shorter in case of a Brazilian butt lift. However, the recovery period can vary between patients depending on several factors.
The plastic surgeon will provide a more detailed recovery timeline to the patient based on their specific surgical plan and medical needs. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provides Brazilian butt lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Following Recovery Instructions

While Brazilian butt lift is a less invasive plastic surgery procedure, it still involves a considerable amount of care and caution to be observed during the recovery period. Patients who diligently follow the surgeon’s instructions will be able to ensure a safer and faster recovery.
Once the patient returns home from the surgery center, they should take adequate rest in an appropriate position, avoid putting any pressure on the buttocks, wear the compression garment at all times, and stay sufficiently hydrated. The body requires time and care to heal properly, and if the patient can have someone to help them in the first few days after surgery, it can support the initial recovery.

Timeline for Recovery

Healing time and process will slightly vary from one patient to another, and the cosmetic surgeon will prepare the patient for it in advance. The recovery timeline is typically as follows:
First Week
The patient should ideally take time off from work for the first week. After the first two day, they can shower while removing the compression garment and gently washing the buttocks. At the end of the first week, the surgeon will review the condition and may remove the temporary drain tubes. Sutures may be removed at the same time or a few days later, depending on the healing.
Smoking, alcohol and blood thinning medications must be avoided during this period. Many patients go back to their normal routine after the first week. After the first day of surgery, it is recommended to take short walks within the home to reduce swelling and support blood flow. ACPS receives patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for Brazilian butt lift.
Two to Three Weeks
Normal physical activities can be resumed around this time, but stretching, squatting or more vigorous exercises should be avoided. Depending on the surgeon’s advice, the patient may be able to stop wearing the compression garment and sit on their buttock. The patient may resume driving if they can sit comfortably on a pillow in the car and are not taking pain meds. Swimming and bathing in the tub may be resume in about one month.
Long-term Recovery
Most patients are fully healed in about two to six months after the surgery. Inflammation and discoloration would have diminished during this time. A year after the surgery, the patient may expose the treated areas to sunlight. The fat transfer in the buttocks would have settled fully by this stage, and the patient can enjoy complete results of a Brazilian butt lift.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Brazilian butt lift with fat grafting is a relatively less invasive and more effective treatment option compared to the traditional butt lift cosmetic surgery. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will explain the differences between both, and may also present Brazilian butt lift before and after photographs.
The first concern of a surgeon will be to educate the patient about all aspects of Brazilian butt lift, and help them make an informed decision. Dedicated plastic surgeons at ACPS provide Brazilian butt lift with fat grafting to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

What are Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of Brazilian butt lift fat grafting plastic surgery refer to a set of images belonging to a previous patient who has undergone the same surgery with satisfactory results. The set includes photographs taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the bruising and swelling has been eliminated and full effects of the surgery have appeared.
The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photographs are obtained with the prior consent of the patient and presented before new patients in a discreet manner. The patient’s confidentiality may be maintained as required. The sole purpose behind this exercise is to use the Brazilian butt lift before and after photos as a visual aid to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure to new patients.


Brazilian butt lift may involve liposuction as well as lifting of the buttocks as an interrelated procedure. Therefore, it is natural for a patient to be anxious about how their contours will be impacted in multiple areas. Some patients may only want a limited amount of lift, while some others may want a substantial enhancement.
Some patients may like to understand the difference between butt implants and Brazilian butt lift. In all such cases, the cosmetic surgeon is in a better position to educate the patient when access to before and after photos is available. The ACPS surgeons receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for Brazilian butt lift surgery.

Having Reasonable Expectations

Best satisfaction levels in any cosmetic procedure are usually achieved when the patient has a positive frame of mind, clear aesthetic priorities and reasonable expectations. Therefore, an experienced surgeon will encourage the patient to review as many before and after photos as possible before they finalize the decision to go ahead with the surgery.
This simple effort will mitigate the risk of any disappointment occurring at a later stage when it is difficult to reverse the outcome. All parties involved can benefit, and particularly the patient can enjoy the results in a more consummate manner.

Photos on the Website

The surgeon may provide Brazilian butt lift before and after photos on their practice website. If they have a presence over social media, they can further disseminate the photos through networks such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram. New patients can have free access to these photos and may review them conveniently online before they are ready to visit the surgeon’s office for a consultation.
What industry has not been touched by digital technology? The plastic surgery community has embraced digital technology and why should they not? This technology makes their clients feel more at ease since they are more aware of what they are contemplating and signing up for. They can apply what they see online with the vivid pictures to their own body and situation. This means they can almost predict the future.
Patients who want to obtain a Brazilian butt lift can see exactly what to expect before they schedule an appointment. This means less explaining by the surgeon and no reliance on brochure or picture books that are not as clear as any digital pictures.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting Cost | Houston Plastic SurgeryThe popularity of Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery has grown significantly in recent times with a number of celebrities flaunting attractive and youthful figure of the posterior, and treating it as a highlight of their personality. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will explain all aspects of the procedure, including its estimated costs.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) is equipped to provide a wide range of surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures, including Brazilian butt lift. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive this procedure from dedicated plastic surgeons at ACPS.

Cost Comparison

Many patient like to know about how the cost of Brazilian butt lift compares with that of traditional butt lift plastic surgery. Cost becomes an important issue for patients, particularly because this procedure is elective and would not be covered under health insurance. Brazilian butt lift is typically less expensive than traditional butt lift surgery because of its less invasive approach.
Brazilian butt lift will usually not involve skin excision and surgical lifting of the tissue. It primarily involves liposuction from other areas and the transfer of harvested fat to the targeted areas of the buttocks. The procedure may be performed using only local anesthesia, which will reduce the cost. It can be performed on an outpatient basis, and will entail relatively lower post-operative costs for prescription drugs, medical tests, post-surgical visits to the surgeon’s office, and surgical garments.

Cost Factors

The price tag of a Brazilian butt lift can vary between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice.
Location of the Practice
Average living costs are usually higher in major cities and prime urban centers than smaller towns or remote regions. This will impact the cost of most types of products and services, including surgical services.
Fee Charged by the Surgeon
The cosmetic surgeon may charge a fee for Brazilian butt procedure according to their qualifications, experience and recognition in the field of body contouring procedures. Surgeons who invest in advanced technology and continuing education and maintain the highest standards of care may charge a little more, but they will usually prove to be more cost-worthy in the long run.
Patient’s Health
If a patient suffers from a chronic condition such as diabetes or an immune deficiency, the surgeon may have to adopt extra precautions in their case. The recovery process may also be longer, involving periodic visits to the surgeon’s office. These aspects could have an impact on the overall effect on your checking account pertaining to a Brazilian butt lift surgery.

Extent of Surgery

The amount of liposuction and fat transfer involved can vary between patients. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend a combination of Brazilian butt lift with another surgical or non-surgical body contouring procedure to meet the patient’s goals. These elements can make a difference to the overall sticker price of the procedure.


The patient will have a variety of financing options, including loans through medical financing firms, bank loans, credit cards, and personal borrowings. They may choose the most convenient and cost-effective financing option.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Enlargement Candidates | Houston Plastic Surgery | Katy TexasWomen may seek breast enlargement cosmetic surgery primarily for aesthetic purposes, whether to increase the size of disproportionately small breasts, improve the symmetry and balance between the breasts, or simply to create a more voluptuous figure. In some cases, breast implant surgery may be performed as a part of breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement and various other procedures for the breast, body, and face. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive cutting edge treatments at ACPS.

Need for Breast Enlargement

A key part of the process to determine candidacy for breast enlargement plastic surgery is to understand the patient’s intrinsic reason for seeking this procedure. The patient is in the best position to answer this question and the surgeon should encourage her to provide a frank and well-considered answer. Some of the common reasons why women seek breast enlargement include:

Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for breast enlargement surgery. The surgeon will help a candidate form realistic expectations about the procedure so that she can make an appropriate decision.

Health Requirements

To be accepted as a candidate for breast enlargement, the patient should be in good overall health. The surgeon will perform a health exam, review breast anatomy and skin quality, and evaluate the medical and surgical history of the patient. The patient should be prepared to disclose health related information as required by the surgeon to ensure the patient’s safety during the procedure.
If the patient is a smoker or has been taking certain medications or herbal supplements, she should be forthright in informing the surgeon so that pre- and post-operative instructions can be given properly. The patient’s body weight should be stable and moderate, and she should be free from infections and bleeding tendency. She should not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding, and should be free from any cancerous or pre-cancerous breast tissue.

Minimum Age

The FDA has approved silicone breast implants to be used in breast enlargement for women above the age of 21. The same minimum age limit applies to form stable or ultra-cohesive breast implants as well. In case of saline implants, women in the age group of 18 and above can receive breast enlargement.
Women below the age of 18 may only receive breast implants to correct breast tissue injuries and birth related deformities. Candidates who are willing to follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-surgical instructions diligently and are able to accepted and maintain a reasonable expectation will usually achieve a more satisfactory and pleasant outcome.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Your Breast Enlargement Consultation | Houston Plastic SurgeryBreast enlargement is a major cosmetic surgery procedure, involving considerable preparation, recovery time and costs. The pre-operative consultation is an important part of this procedure, which will help the patient make an informed choice, and will enable the surgeon to create an appropriate surgical plan.
The decision to choose breast enlargement surgery is a highly personal one that should only be made after assessing all options. The plastic surgeons at Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Key Decisions during Consultation

Breast enlargement is a fairly customizable plastic surgery procedure with several options in terms of implants and surgical technique available to the patient. The patient should understand the options clearly in order to make the best decisions. An experienced surgeon will explain all options during the initial consultation in clear, comprehensible terms.
Type of Implants
The patient will have a choice between silicone, saline and ultra-cohesive silicone implants. Implant sizes would be available in the range of 120 cc to 960 cc. Choices will also be made regarding implant shape, texture and profile.
Implant Placement
The placement of breast implants may be made either submuscularly, which is below the pectoral muscle, or subglandularly, which is in front of the pectoral muscle, right behind the breast tissue.
Incision Location
Incisions in case of breast enlargement may be placed just beneath the breast crease at the base of the breast, along the perimeter of the lower half of the areola, or in the armpit. In a few cases, the implant may also be placed through an incision around the navel.
The patient should ideally bring a list of questions she wants to ask during the breast enlargement consultation. The surgeon will address all her concerns and queries in thorough detail. The cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas.


Determining the patient’s candidacy for breast enlargement will be a primary part of the consultation process. The surgeon will perform a basic health exam, assess the breast anatomy, including skin elasticity and texture, evaluate the patient’s medical and surgical history, and order any medical tests or mammograms, if necessary.
The surgeon will ask questions to understand the patient’s aesthetic needs and goals, and her reasons to choose breast enlargement procedure. The patient’s feedback will be incorporated into the surgical plan in order to produce desirable aesthetic outcomes.


During the breast enlargement consultation, the surgeon will instruct the patient to refrain from smoking for at least two to four weeks prior to the date of surgery. If the patient is taking any prescription drugs or blood thinning medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements, their schedules may have to be altered until a few weeks after the surgery.

Other Aspects

The estimated costs of breast enlargement surgery will be discussed during the consultation, including the insurance and financing aspects. The surgeon may also present before and after photos and testimonials of previous patients during this appointment to help the patient form realistic expectations.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast Enlargement Risks | Safety Information |Houston Plastic SurgeryBreast enlargement has emerged as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in 2015 as per the figures released by the American Society for Plastic Surgery. Success rates of the procedure have improved dramatically over the years, but certain risks are still inherent to the procedure.
The patient should be aware of the risks in order to make a well-considered choice. The plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement and various other procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Post-Operative Risks

Capsular Contracture
Following breast enlargement plastic surgery, as the body heals itself, a natural scar tissue formation will occur around the implants. In some cases, the breast capsule thus formed from the scar tissue could contract, putting pressure on the implant, and leading to the hardening of breast, pain, and implant distortion.
The degree of severity of capsular contracture will be determined using the Baker Grading System. If the breast implant damage is of a higher grade, capsulectomy may have to be performed to remove scar tissue or replace the implant.
Implant Rippling
If the breast implant gets folded or wrinkled, the rippling effect can make the breast shape appear distorted. The risk of implant rippling may increase if the skin is stretched excessively due to overly sized implants. Dedicated cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas for breast enlargement and other procedures.
Like any other surgery, breast enlargement procedure will have an inherent risk of infection during or after the procedure. The procedure should be performed at a surgical venue with high standards of care and cleanliness to minimize the risk. If the patient experiences abnormal redness, tenderness or pain in the incision areas during recovery, or experiences fever, it may be due to an infection. The patient should promptly inform the surgeon in such situation.
Excessive fluid collection beneath the skin in the incision areas may cause hematoma. This condition can increase the risk of infection and capsular contracture. The surgeon will usually place drain tubes to remove excess fluid during the first few days after breast enlargement surgery. Care should be taken to keep the drain tubes away from the implants while inserting them.
Sensitivity or Numbness in Nipples
Minor sensitivity or numbness in the nipple area can occur after the breast enlargement surgery, but it will subside within a few days to a few months. In rare cases, the after-effect may be more prolonged or permanent. A skillful surgeon will be able to minimize the risk by minimizing disruption of the nerve pathways during the procedure.
Malpositioning or Rupture of Implant
Although malpositioning is a rare occurrence, it may be experienced by a few patients, just days after the breast enlargement procedure. Women with larger implants are at a higher risk of displacement. Implant rupture may cause deflated breasts in case of saline implant, while the leakage in silicone implants may only be noticed during a diagnostic imaging test.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Non-Surgical Med Spa Treatments in Houston | Medical Spa Texas | KatyNon-surgical aesthetic treatments have revolutionized the field of cosmetic physical enhancement. A wide range of innovative and advanced treatments are available today to restore youthfulness and correct imperfections in any area of the body. These treatments can be received independently or in combination with cosmetic surgery procedures.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provides state-of-the-art surgical as well as non-surgical cosmetic procedures using cutting edge technologies and techniques. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive these procedures from experienced plastic surgeons at ACPS.

Laser Skin Treatments

ACPS offers some of the latest laser treatments to serve as alternatives to plastic surgery. These include Fraxel Dual, Clear + Brilliant, and Intense Pulse Light that are designed to provide smoother, softer and more radiant skin. These treatments are customized to meet the specific aesthetic concerns of the patient. These include:

Laser Hair Reduction

ACPS is equipped with GentleYAG and IPL lasers that can effectively eliminate or significantly reduce hair and are well suited for all skin tones. Laser hair removal can be performed on almost any part of the body, including:

Chemical Peels

ACPS offers advanced peel systems from skincare leader SkinMedica. It provides three levels of peels in order to customize exfoliation to a patient’s unique needs:

Each peel will firm up and brighten the appearance of the skin. Results can be seen after just one peel. Best results will establish in about three to six peels.


Microdermabrasion makes use of massaging action of small crystals to remove the dead external layer of the skin. This will reveal a healthy glow and a smooth texture. The massaging action stimulates oxygenation to the skin as a result of improved blood circulation. It also promotes collagen to maintain volume and youthfulness of the skin. Board certified cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas.

Skin Care Products

ACPS recommends a professionally guided skin care routine that combines sun protection, cleansing, and moisturization, in addition to promoting a healthy skin cell turnover and collagen stimulation to fight the effects of aging. ACPS offers a comprehensive line of skin care products from two of the respected companies in skin care: SkinMedica and Obagi.
Some of the more popular skin care products at ACPS include:



Permanent Makeup

One of the convenient med spa treatment options for many people is permanent makeup. This solution can help to enhance the appearance without involving the kind of time commitment that is required in other treatment options. Both subtle and dramatic changes to the look can be created with the help of professional permanent makeup artists at ACPS.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Tummy Tuck Risks and Safety Information | Houston Plastic SurgerySome amount of risk is involved in any cosmetic surgery procedure, including tummy tuck. The surgeon will inform the patient about the potential risks during the initial consultation to help them make an informed decision. A skilled surgeon will be able to minimize risk by adhering to the most remarkable safety protocols.
Highly experienced, sensational, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide tummy tuck and various other procedures using advanced surgical techniques. The ACPS provides tummy tuck to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Tummy Tuck Risks

Some of the common risks that are associated with abdominoplasty include:
Poor Anesthesia Reaction
Tummy tuck will usually be performed with the patient under general anesthesia, which entails a higher risk than local anesthesia. Adverse reaction to general anesthesia may occur in rare situations. An experienced anesthesiologist will be able to detect the problem early before it complicates, and minimize the risk.
Blood Clot Formation
Following tummy tuck plastic surgery, blood clots may form inside a blood vessel. This is a rare occurrence, but it can complicate the blood flow. Patients who follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative care instructions diligently will be able to minimize this risk. Compression garment around the waist and mild post-operative exercises can improve blood flow and cut the risk of clotting.
Infection risks are the highest during and immediately after the tummy tuck procedure. The operating room should be completely clean and sterile to reduce the risk. Proper wound care is required after the surgery in order to mitigate post-operative infection risk. The patient should carefully follow the surgeon’s advice regarding wetting the wound or removing and changing bandages.
Seroma formation or collection of fluid between the skin flap and the muscle layer may occur after tummy tuck surgery. This can lead to infection. The surgeon will minimize this risk by placing drains below the incision areas. The patient will have to following instructions regarding measuring and emptying the drain every day until they are removed.
Delayed Healing
It can take up to four to six weeks until the bruising, swell and pain in the treated areas subside completely. However, if the patient continues to experience these symptoms beyond this stage, it may be termed delayed healing. Irregular healing may sometimes cause skin loss. Scarring in such patients is likely to be higher. The ACPS cosmetic surgeons receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for tummy tuck surgery.

Temporary Side Effects

The patient should expect certain mild side effects following tummy tuck, but these are not serious complications. These effects usually disappear by themselves in a few days. A common side effect is swelling, which can be improved with an abdominal binder or a compression garment.
Pain meds can be used to manage post-surgical pain in the first few days as prescribed by the surgeon. Bruising will usually subside in about two weeks after surgery. If the patient notices abnormal, severe, or persisting symptoms, they should get in touch with the surgeon for medical attention.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.