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Avéli™ Long-Term Cellulite Reduction Procedure

ACPS in Houston is excited to be one of the first to offer Avéli™ for a meaningful and lasting reduction in cellulite dimples.

Avéli™ Long-Term Cellulite Reduction Procedure

ACPS in Houston is excited to be one of the first to offer Avéli™ for a meaningful and lasting reduction in cellulite dimples.

Avéli™ is a minimally invasive treatment for cellulite performed with local anesthesia. Avéli offers women long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite after just a single in-office procedure.

  • Performed under local anesthesia
  • Minimal downtime
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Long-term cellulite reduction
  • Results after just a single visit*

Schedule Your Consultation

What is cellulite and why do I have it?

Cellulite is a depression of any shape or size with defined edges seen on the surface of the skin, typically on the buttocks or thighs. A major underlying cause of cellulite is the fibrous bands that tether your skin to the structures below. These bands are called septa. Some septa are good (and you want them as connective tethers), but others stiffen or shrink over time and lead to the dimples we see on the surface and call cellulite.

It’s important to distinguish cellulite from other concerns like laxity or localized fat, which we can talk you through during a consultation in our office. You should also know that cellulite is not your fault (genetics and hormones play a role), and you are not alone – up to 90% of women have it!

Avéli™ treats the septa bands causing cellulite dimples.2 It is not a procedure that addresses other concerns often seen alongside cellulite, such as laxity (loose skin) or localized pockets of fat.

What is an Avéli™ cellulite reduction treatment?

Avéli™ is a no-nonsense approach to treating cellulite based on a deep understanding of women’s anatomy. While many treatments approach cellulite blindly from the outside-in, Avéli™ identifies and releases the primary structural cause of cellulite from the inside-out in a single minimally-invasive procedure with little downtime.


Avéli™ is an option for a range of women across the cellulite severity spectrum. The procedure is performed by one of our trained providers and uses a handheld device to manually target and release the complicated web of septa bands causing cellulite dimples.

Avéli™ addresses the primary structural cause of cellulite in 3 steps:

  1. Your provider guides the Avéli™ device under the skin directly to the targeted dimples.
  2. After your provider identifies the culprit septa bands causing a dimple, those septa are precisely released.
  3. Your provider can confirm their release in real-time, delivering visibly smoother skin quickly after the procedure.

A typical procedure will take around an hour, including local anesthesia and the procedure itself. The exact timing will vary depending on the personalized procedure plan from your provider.

During a single cellulite procedure, a provider can fully treat the targeted cellulite dimples on both your buttocks and thighs.


There is little to no downtime following your Avéli™ treatment. In the clinical study, most patients returned to normal activities within 24-48 hours.

Mild discomfort may occur within the first 24 hours and bruising and tenderness to the touch typically resolve within 30 days. Small areas of firmness, usually not visible or painful, may resolve in a couple of months.

It is recommended to avoid any strenuous activities or workouts in the first few days/weeks after the procedure to allow the area to heal. We will provide you with complete post-procedure expectations and recommendations.


Avéli™ cellulite reduction results should be visible once swelling and bruising subsides. By one-month post-procedure you should start to see the effects of the procedure. Avéli™ is indicated for long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thigh areas of adult females as supported by clinical data demonstrating treatment benefits through one year of observation.

Contact Us

If you are looking for long-term reduction in cellulite dimples from a single, minimally invasive in-office procedure, Avéli™ could be for you! Schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate. Call our office at 713.799.9999

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions

The AvéliTM Cellulite Reduction Procedure is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of cellulite. This innovative procedure uses state-of-the-art technology to reduce the appearance of lumps and bumps on the skin’s surface, leaving it looking smooth and youthful.

The AvéliTM Cellulite Reduction Procedure uses a combination of advanced technologies, including radio frequency, vacuum suction, and LED light therapy, to break down stubborn cellulite deposits and encourage the growth of new collagen fibers. This process results in smoother, tighter, and firmer-looking skin that appears more youthful and vibrant.

The AvéliTM Cellulite Reduction Procedure is a safe and effective treatment option for individuals of all ages and skin types who are struggling with the appearance of cellulite. Ideal candidates are those who are in generally good health and have realistic expectations for the results of the treatment.

The AvéliTM Cellulite Reduction Procedure is a quick, comfortable, and non-invasive treatment that does not require any downtime or recovery time. During the procedure, you will be positioned comfortably while the advanced technologies work together to target the underlying causes of cellulite. You can relax and even catch up on some reading or take a nap.

The AvéliTM Cellulite Reduction Procedure is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment, so there are typically no significant side effects or risks associated with the procedure. However, some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising following the treatment, but these side effects usually disappear within a few hours.