Skin Removal Surgery

Gaining freedom from excess weight or obesity is vital to restoring your health and cosmetic appearance. However, sometimes the advantage you get from a weight loss surgery may be offset because of the appearance of sagging or hanging skin some areas of the body. Multiple pregnancies or aging process may also sometimes lead to unsightly folds of loose skin in some body area.

Excess skin may also result in problems, such as sores and rashes, skin infection, general discomfort, and restrictive movements. You may also feel self-conscious about wearing certain types of clothes. All these problems can be successfully resolved with a skin removal surgery. It may be necessary to undergo this plastic surgery procedure if the skin has become overstretched and inelastic. A diet or fitness program may not help in restoring tighter skin.

Your surgeon will advise you the appropriate customized surgical plan to eliminate loose and droopy skin. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide skin removal surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Types of Skin Removal Procedures

Excess skin removal surgery may involve one or more of the following plastic surgery procedures:

Who is a Candidate for this Surgery?

Skin removal surgery may be an ideal solution for people who are unhappy with the appearance of drooping or hanging skin following a weight loss surgery, pregnancy, or aging effects. Your body weight should have stabilized if you are considering this procedure after weight loss. The procedure may not be advised for someone who is planning a pregnancy or a weight loss program in the near future. You should also be prepared to stop smoking for at least a few weeks before and after the surgery.

Steps Involved in the Procedure

Although skin removal plastic surgery procedure steps are standardized, some adjustments may be made depending on your customized surgical plan. The steps involved in the procedure will usually be as follows:

  1. Administering of general anesthesia in the operating room
  2. Placement of incisions in discreet, marked locations
  3. Excess skin removal through the incision sites
  4. Tightening and reshaping of the remaining skin to improve definition and create youthful contours
  5. Re-draping the skin smoothly over the area and incision closure
  6. Covering the incision sites with a compression garment

Cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for skin removal surgery.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving Houston, The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Vaginoplasty And Labiaplasty 

A variety of procedures and techniques are available today to perform a female genital rejuvenation surgery. The procedures are both invasive and non-invasive in nature and should preferably be undertaken by a skilled cosmetic surgeon.

Female genital rejuvenation surgery repairs, tightens and improves the appearance and sexual functioning of the vagina. Vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, and labia augmentation are the usual surgeries involved in the process. You need to ensure that your personal aesthetic concerns and needs are resolved by the surgeon during the initial consultation.

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide vaginoplasty, labiaplasty and other female genital rejuvenation procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Inner Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Vulva or external genitalia, such as the labia, mons pubis and clitoral hood are not focused on during surgical inner vaginal rejuvenation. The surgery is designed to improve the functioning and look of the inner vaginal opening. Perineoplasty, vaginoplasty, and hymenoplasty are a few common procedures undertaken in this surgery.

Vaginoplasty (Posterior Colporrhaphy)

Vaginoplasty is performed to tighten the vaginal canal when it becomes loose after normal aging or childbirth. The cosmetic surgeon will bring the vaginal muscles close together after excising excess mucosa skin.


Perineum is the skin tissue that extends between the anus and vagina. This tissue area is often damaged during an episiotomy or childbirth. Perineoplasty when combined with vaginoplasty helps in removing the excess skin tissue from the area and tightening the posterior muscles. The cosmetic surgery removes the feeling of looseness and improves the overall functioning and look of the female genitalia.

Hymenoplasty (Hymenorrhaphy)

Revirginization or hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure for reconstructing the hymen. Hymenoplasty is usually requested by women where an unbroken hymen or virginity is a prized possession in unmarried women. Women in the United States may want to undergo this procedure to relive the feeling of being intact again.

Outer Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

The plastic surgeon will focus on certain procedures, such as labiaplasty, monsplasty, labia augmentation with fat transfer, and clitoral hood reduction to rejuvenate the outer vaginal area.

Labia Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Labia augmentation helps in creating a more youthful looking and rejuvenated vagina. It is done by improving the structure of the labia majora. The procedure involves labia augmentation with fat transfer or labia augmentation with hyaluronic fillers. It is also called labia puffing.

Donor fat is taken out from areas where there are surplus fat deposits. This fat is then injected evenly within the labia majora to eliminate sagging or wrinkling vaginal skin. This treatment is relatively less invasive compared to labiaplasty.


Labia minora are the inner lips while labia majora are the outer ones. Labiaplasty is a popular vaginal rejuvenation procedure where the plastic surgeon trims away excess tissue from the labia. The surgery is intended to remove discomfort associated with long labia lips. It also helps in reducing or eliminating the need for tugging at the lips.

Cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for vaginoplasty, labiaplasty and various other female vaginal rejuvenation treatments.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving Houston, The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Breast Implant Profiles

There is nothing more important to consider than the type of implants while planning a breast augmentation surgery. You need to consider more than just size of the implants. Same sized implants (cc volume) can have remarkably different results in women with different chest widths. This makes it important to pick the right implant profile based on your body contours and aesthetic goals.

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide breast augmentation to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Size is Just One Factor in The Equation

Breast implant sizes are measured in terms of cubic centimeters (cc). More cc refers to larger implants with more volume. However, cc volume is only one part of the equation. You need to choose the right profile and shape if you want to find an ideal implant size. Breast implants with identical sizes can create different shapes and results during your breast augmentation cosmetic surgery.

Types of Breast Implant Profiles

Breast implant profile refers to the forward projection created by an implant. This is how far the implant will appear from the chest wall when looked at from the side while standing straight. There are three major types of implant profiles:

    1. Low implant profile

These are ideal for women with wider chests and shoulders who don’t necessarily want big breasts. Instead, they yearn for more shape and fullness in their breasts. These implants are relatively flat and wide at the base.

    1. Moderate implant profile

They are the most popular profiles and offer both volume and cleavage while appearing natural. Many patients like to choose these implants for their breast augmentation plastic surgery.

    1. High implant profile

These implants offer the most projection owing to their narrow base widths. They create fuller and rounder breasts. They can appear natural when placed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon under the pectoral muscle.

Moderate implant profiles have a sub-category in the form of moderate-plus profile. Likewise high profile implants have ultra-high profile breast implants as a sub-category. These sub-categories are aimed at providing a true and natural fit.

Body Anatomy Plays a Major Role

Choosing an ideal implant will involve considering several factors. Your natural body architecture is a major consideration as is the look you hope to achieve. Wider implants (low implant profile) are required by patients that have wide breast base. Your cosmetic surgeon will identify your aesthetic goals for the surgery and recommend an implant profile that best suits your purpose and body type.

How to Choose the Right Breast Implant Profile

There is no thumb rule where it comes to breast implant profiles. Each body is unique with different characteristics. Your cosmetic surgeon will ask you detailed questions about your desired goals.

They will attain a deep understanding of your chest anatomy before recommending implant profiles and types. It is important that you be as communicative as possible about your goals and expectations for the surgeon to make the right recommendations. Cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.


Breast augmentation mastopexy cosmetic surgery procedure is highly popular. Your breast surgeon will recommend this procedure if you are looking to enhance your breast size along with its shape and appearance. This plastic surgery can give you tighter, perkier, and lifted breast silhouette.

Ideal candidates for BAM are those that are worried about sagging breasts, loss of breast volume, and downward pointing nipples. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast augmentation mastopexy to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

What Does BAM Involve?

There are two different surgeries combined into this one cosmetic surgery. Your plastic surgeon will perform a breast augmentation along with a breast lift.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation mastopexy involves inserting silicone or saline implants under the pectoral muscles to enlarge breast size. The plastic surgery procedure involves placing implants and stretching the skin taut for a perkier and more youthful appearance.

Breast Lift

The second aspect of a breast augmentation mastopexy is to lift sagging or droopy breasts. Weight loss, pregnancy and aging can cause breasts to sag. You can address the size and appearance of your breasts with BAM. During the surgery, your surgeon will trim away excess skin to help you attain your aesthetic goals.

Who Needs Breast Augmentation Mastopexy?

Breast augmentation mastopexy may be the right procedure for you if you are looking to improve the size of your breasts along with their shape. The procedure effectively combines breast augmentation and lift in one surgery. You should discuss your candidacy with your surgeon if you are already planning to go ahead with either breast lift or implants.

The combined surgery has the same procedural risk profile and downtime as with individual surgeries. However, getting a breast augmentation mastopexy procedure could dramatically improve the end results. You may even be able to address issues with your nipple-areola complex during the procedure.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. Once you are under, the cosmetic surgeon will begin making an incision around the areolas or under the bust line. They will create a pocket through the incisions to accommodate your implants. The implants are placed under pectoral muscles.

Once the implants are placed, the surgeon will create another incision vertically from the lower part of the areola down to the breast crease. This incision is made to trim away any loose or excess breast skin. Your surgeon will bring your breast tissues together to create firmer, perkier, and lifted breasts.

The surgeon, depending on the pre-surgery customized plan, may also reposition and resize the areolas. This is usually done for a more youthful appearance. The plastic surgeon will use removable or dissolvable sutures to close the wound and wrap the breasts in bandages.

Total time spent inside the operating room is between 2 and 3 hours. The procedure is performed as outpatient and you should return home the same day. Cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for breast augmentation mastopexy.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Vein treatment cost

Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective way to get rid of spider and small varicose veins. The fact that it is only involves an injectable procedure makes this treatment the preferred option for many patients. When compared to other surgical and non-surgical vein removal procedures, sclerotherapy is also the most affordable one. You will get an estimate as to what this entire procedure would cost you, during your initial consultation.

At the time of your initial consultation, your treatment provider will educate you regarding the procedure so that you could make an informed decision. In addition to that, you should clear all of your doubts and concerns from your own side as well before the treatment starts.

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide sclerotherapy to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Cost of sclerotherapy when compared to other techniques

Sclerotherapy is a relatively more cost-effective treatment when compared to most other surgical and non-surgical procedures. The procedure is safe and can be informed in-0ffice. The typical costs, such as surgical center charges and a cosmetic surgeon’s fee can be avoided in sclerotherapy.

In a surgical vein removal procedure, you will have to pay additional costs during pre and post-operative treatment. These costs include medical tests, prescription medication, etc. All of these cost components may be avoided or reduced in sclerotherapy.

Advanced non-surgical methods such as ultrasound and laser will involve considerable additional expenses because of the equipment required for it. Above all, such treatments are often only available at selected health facilities, usually in metropolitan cities, which increase the costs further.

Factors influencing the cost

There are many factors that influence the cost of sclerotherapy. First, the geographical factor can impact the prices of the treatment if the facility is located close to a major urban center. Secondly, the expertise of your doctor and staff would determine their fee and impact the overall cost of the treatment. However, the quality of treatment should not be compromised because cost. Hence it is vital to choose the best cosmetic surgeon for your needs.

If your treatment provider is a well-qualified and experienced, you are in safe hands. Board certified surgeons usually invest in the highest quality standards and best medical practices. The cost for a less-trained specialist with no certification and lower credentials would be lower. But this could adversely impact the results of your sclerotherapy as well.

Treatment sessions

Depending on the severity of the problem, the cost of sclerotherapy can vary between two patients at the same facility. For instance, some patients will only need 1 or 2 sessions while for a severe case, more than 2 sessions might be essential.

For the removal of stubborn veins, your surgeon may sometimes have to re-treat the targeted area. If the situation demands, another technique may have to be performed in conjunction with sclerotherapy, thereby impacting the price tag.

Insurance coverage for sclerotherapy

Your insurance provider might provide either full or partial coverage for sclerotherapy. However, this coverage is only applicable if the procedure is performed as a medical necessity to remove painful veins. Cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for sclerotherapy.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Breast Implant Replacement

Ever since the breast augmentation procedure was introduced, patients have continued to ask whether they will need to replace their breast implants within a few years. A dedicated surgeon will provide you a clear answer to this question during your consultation in order to help you make an informed decision.

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Longevity of Your Breast Implant Surgery Outcomes

A large majority of women who have chosen breast augmentation cosmetic surgery can expect to have their implants last for 10 to 20 years without any difficulty. The FDA reported in 2011 that 80 percent of the women will not require removal or replacement of their implants within the first 10 years.

But even this data is now old, and the percentage of women who can enjoy their implant results for a longer time has likely increased with improving implant qualities and advancing surgical techniques. Manufacturers now offer a lifetime warranty on breast implants.

However, you should know that your breast implant surgery results are not expected to last forever. You might need to remove or replace your implants at least once during your lifetime. In a few cases, the implant may develop a rupture or capsular contracture, or the breast tissue may develop an infection, making it medically necessary to remove implants.

There is no fixed rule for implant removal, and as long as you are satisfied and comfortable with the existing implants and have not experienced a complication, you do not need to remove or replace them.

Damage to the Implants

If your implants get damaged or develop a hole or tear, the saline or silicone filling in the implant shell is no longer secure. The saline will immediately leak and the implant will deflate. While this poses no risk to your health, it will make a visible cosmetic difference to your breast, which can be corrected with a breast implant removal or exchange surgery.

The saline gel is thick and is not likely to move out of the shell or the breast capsule. You may not even detect it until an MRI is done. But once the problem is found, it will be necessary to perform a breast implant removal or exchange for your own health and safety.

Capsular contracture may sometimes occur in the scar tissue that surrounds the implant. This will cause your breast tissue to tighten, causing pain or discomfort. The implant may also lose its shape. You can correct this condition with a breast implant removal or replacement plastic surgery.

Aging Plays a Role

All breasts, whether with or without implants, will ultimately get affected by aging and gravity. Your breasts are likely to sag, droop and go through a slight size change as you grow older.

Pregnancy, hormonal changes, illness, and other factors could also contribute to changes to your breasts. At some point, it may be best to have your breast implants removed or replaced with or without an additional breast lift surgery.

Cosmetic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas for safe and proven surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Capsular Contracture

Although breast augmentation surgery currently ranks as the number one cosmetic surgery in the US, breast implants are not for everyone. If you are suffering from breast implant related complications such as rupture or capsular contracture, or wish to exchange or remove your implants for aesthetic considerations, you can choose breast implant removal or replacement surgery.

To determine your candidacy for this procedure and to ensure you have a safe and predictable outcome from the surgery, make sure you work with an experienced breast implant surgeon. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

Surgical Procedure

Breast implant removal is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia and IV sedation may be used in some cases. The surgeon will begin the procedure by opening the original incision created at the time of primary breast augmentation (usually in the breast fold or the periareolar region).

Through the incision, the surgeon will carefully remove the implant, and may excise some part of the scar tissue or capsule that envelopes the implant. In a few cases, scar tissue removal may not be required. In such a situation, the surgeon will leave the capsule behind, where it will collapse and deflate as the body recovers from the surgery.

Following the breast implant removal plastic surgery, the surgeon will suture the incisions and wrap the breasts with surgical dressing. They will place drain tubes in the incision sites for a few days to collect excess fluid. In the first few days, you may require pain medication to keep comfortable during your recovery.

Breast Appearance after Implant Removal

Following breast implant removal, the final appearance of the breasts can vary from one patient to another because each woman’s breast anatomy is unique. You could experience some loss of volume in the upper part of the breasts where the implant was earlier providing fullness. But if your implants were not too large or the tissue laxity has not occurred, you can expect to a have a pleasing and natural breast shape.

Implant Replacement or Breast Lift

If the surgeon determines that your breasts have sagged because of stretched tissue over the years with implants, you may require an additional procedure along with breast implant removal. In normal circumstances, you will have the option to get your implants replaced with new ones so that the current appearance of the breasts is maintained.

Alternatively, you may have to choose breast lift surgery in addition to implant removal. Both procedures can be performed at the same time in most cases. Breast lift will involve excision of loose skin to create tighter and firmer breasts, and in some cases, the areolas may also be repositioned or resized as necessary.

With these additional or optional procedures, you will be able to restore a desirable and more youthful looking appearance of your breasts. Recovery may be slightly longer if a breast lift is performed along with implant removal.

Cosmetic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas for safe and proven surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Patient Guide

The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) is one of the leading providers of safe, proven and effective cosmetic surgery procedures in Houston. The practice also receives many patients from out of town who are seeking the very best in surgical care and services for their aesthetic needs

The surgical team and staff at ACPS have the experience in addressing the unique requirements of out of town patients and are able to offer them all the procedures that are available to local patients. In every procedure, their goal is to provide out of town patients with the most satisfactory treatment experience that meets or exceeds their expectations.

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities

Consultation via Phone and Email

While an in-office pre-surgery consultation is ideal, it may not always be feasible for out of town patients to travel specifically for this consultation. In these cases, the surgeons at ACPS will make every effort to ensure that a phone and email consultation addresses all the necessary issues and is as effective as an in-person consultation.

The consultation will cover your potential surgery options, preparation guidelines, recovery period, expected outcomes, and more. You should feel free to clear all your doubts and concerns during this consultation process. Your patient coordinator will guide you in advance about submitting your patient forms, medical history and photos of the areas of concern for the surgeon’s review.

Scheduling the Surgery

Once you are satisfied with the consultation and have decided to move forward with your plastic surgery, your patient coordinator will help you choose a convenient surgery date. A few pre-op tests and blood work may be required ahead of the surgery, depending on your age, type of procedure, and other factors.

Travel Plans

Your patient coordinator will assist you with your bookings for transport and hotel once your surgery date is finalized. You should preferably arrive in town a day in advance to make yourself comfortable with the new surroundings.

It is best if you can have a friend or a family member to accompany you on the surgery day and drive you back safely after the procedure. Make sure they can stay with you for at least 24 hours post-surgery to help you with your essential needs.

You should plan to stay for about one week in Houston, Texas after your surgery for your post-operative recovery. This recovery time may be slightly less or more, depending on the type of surgery and other factors.

Hotels in Houston


Cosmetic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX and nearby areas for safe and proven surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Contact The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas for More Information

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

Out-of-Town Patients Visiting Houston, Texas

Many patients now choose to travel for their cosmetic treatments in order to receive the best possible care and enjoy a quiet and anonymous recovery period. No longer are patients limited to their own local area when looking for the most trusted and experienced doctors to meet their cosmetic needs.

Board certified plastic surgeons at Houston’s Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery work with patients from all over the world who want expert care in a private, convenient setting. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery staff is dedicated to making the process positive for our out-of-town patients, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure your travels and surgical experience are safe, successful, and convenient.

If this is your first time in Houston, here is a little information about our city:

Houston is the fourth largest city in the US, and the largest in Texas. Houston is known for its urban sprawl, and has a multicultural and diverse population. The districts closest to Downtown offer a wide array of choices for visitors. The city has an eclectic arts and museum, vibrant shopping, and has become a popular destination for food lovers.


Houston is served by two large commercial airports and two regional airports. The large airports include George Bush Intercontinental Airport and William P. Hobby Airport. It is more convenient if you are traveling downtown or south of the city, such as to Galveston. 


Hotel Alessandra

Set in downtown Houston, Hotel Alessandra is a 5-star hotel offering a 24-hour front desk and concierge, luxury car service, an on-site restaurant and spa. You can enjoy the rooftop pool and rooms with city views. 

JW Marriott 

JW Marriott Downtown is located a 5-minute walk from Alley Theater, 500 meters from Theater District and a similar distance from Wortham Center. 

The Post Oak Hotel 

Set within 1.6 km of The Galleria in Houston, The Post Oak Hotel features an outdoor swimming pool and a fitness center. The Water Wall and Houston Arboretum and Nature Center are located near the hotel. 


Like most of the areas around the US Gulf Coast, the climate of Houston is humid subtropical with plenty of rainfall all year round. The city averages around 50 inches of rain throughout the year, along with high humidity. However, owing to the city’s large area, the weather can vary significantly from one area to another.

Things to See

If you plan to visit different places of attraction during your stay in Houston, you could benefit from the CityPASS, which gives admission to six Houston attractions for a much reduced rate and includes faster entry in some cases. The attractions offered include: 

Where to Shop

Many of the shopping malls in Houston are located to the west of downtown in Uptown. Prices in Houston can often be lower than in other major American cities.

One of the popular places for shopping in Houston is the Houston Galleria. The Galleria is the largest mall in Texas, and among the top 10 largest malls in the country. In southwest Houston, the Asian bazaar meets American suburb. This amazing area is ideal for both adventure shopping and an exploration into the brave new world of postmodern America.

Where to Eat 

Houston has some very fine dining options, and is recognized as one of the most restaurant-oriented cities in the US. The city boasts of a thriving ethnic restaurant scene, excellent Tex-Mex, classic Texas steakhouses and Gulf Coast seafood, as well as chain restaurants. The epicenter of Houston’s hot and happening fine dining includes the Downtown, Montrose, Midtown, and the Heights (including the Washington Corridor).

While authentic, high quality Mexican food can be found just about anywhere in Houston, you may find the best ethnic dining in West Houston, where you can get everything from Middle Eastern to Ethiopian to Bosnian. The eclectic Mahatma Gandhi District is the place to go for superb Indian and Pakistani cuisine.

Contact Us

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
Click here to see our pricing list.

Serving The Woodlands, Sugar Land, Katy, Friendswood, Pearland, League City, Richmond, Spring, Humble, Kingwood, Stafford, Cypress, Fulshear, Missouri City, River Oaks, Piney Point, Hunters Creek, Memorial Close In, Bunker Hill, Southside Place, Afton Oaks, Tanglewood, Crestwoods and all other surrounding Greater Houston, Texas communities and more.

What is JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA?Dermal filler injectable treatments currently rank as the second most popular cosmetic procedure in the US, as per the ASPS data. Juvederm family of facial fillers includes innovative and advanced filler treatments such as Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Volbella. All of these filler injectables have been approved by the FDA, and are recognized as the leading filler treatments today. 

Juvederm Volbella is a unique aesthetic injectable developed to plump your lips, and lessen the fine vertical lines in and around the lips (often known as smokers’ lines). During the initial consultation, the treatment provider will discuss various filler injection options with the patient and explain their benefits and limitations. Juvederm Volbella offers excellent anti-aging aesthetic benefits for the face and lips. 

Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide Juvederm Volbella dermal filler treatment to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities. 

Cosmetic Benefits of Volbella

Juvederm Volbella is a hyaluronic acid-based biocompatible dermal filler that can deliver a desirable enhancement in the lip contour, increase volume in depleted sites, smooth vertical creases or smoker’s lines, and improve facial symmetry – all in a single, comfortable injectable treatment. 

The main benefit of Juvederm Volbella is lip enhancement. The filler gel is specifically designed for delicate skin areas such as the lips, and has a smoother, softer consistency. Fuller and natural looking lip appearance can be achieved with this unique cosmetic injectable procedure. 

Lips and Peri-Oral Area

Juvederm Volbella injection is safe and proven filler for the lips and peri-oral area. It will not only restore the natural looking lip volume in a gentle way, but also define lip contours, smooth fine ‘barcode’ lines around the lips, marionette lines down the chin, and treat oral commissures. 

Vertical lip lines, commonly known as smoker’s lines can be diminished with this lip injection, and borders of the lips can be accentuated. It will plump the lips to make them look fuller, and enhance the cupid’s bow. Juvederm Volbella includes lidocaine, which means the provider will not have to use a local anesthetic separately before the treatment. 

How does it work?

Leading manufacturer of cosmetic products, Allergan, Inc., has created Juvederm Volbella using its unique Vycross technology. The gel is produced with an innovative combination of high and low molecular weights, which increases the cross linking efficiency of the molecular chains of hyaluronic acid. 

More effective cross linking allows for reduced concentration of the hyaluronic acid, which makes it appropriate for delicate skin areas such as the lips. The gel becomes ultra smooth due to the Vycross technology and creates natural looking results in lips and peri-oral areas. 

Another advantage of the unique Vycross technology is that it enables the gel to absorb less water. This results in a significantly reduced swelling in comparison to many other dermal filler injections. The final outcomes are achieved with minimal downtime, and the treatment itself becomes nearly painless due to the inclusion of lidocaine in the gel. 

Results with Juvederm Volbella facial filler can last for up to 12 months. The treatment may be combined with other fillers to achieve more comprehensive results. Cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for dermal filler injectable treatments.

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.
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