Your Buttock Augmentation | Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation

Your Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation | Houston Plastic Surgery
The first stage in the buttock augmentation fat transfer cosmetic surgery will be a detailed consultation with the surgeon. This will create a foundation for the rest of the process to be performed. During the appointment, the surgeon will confirm their candidacy, address their doubts and concerns, and plan for a customized surgery.
The surgeon’s goal will be to educate the patient about the procedure and give them proper instructions for pre- and post-op preparation for a successful surgery. Board certified plastic surgeons at ACPS provide Brazilian butt lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Preparing for Consultation

To make the maximum use of the time with the surgeon, the patient should come prepared for the initial consultation. The patient should:

  • Arrange for the pertinent medical records, including information about chronic conditions, weight fluctuations and allergies to be sent to the surgeon’s office.
  • Get in touch with the insurer to determine whether a part of the butt lift plastic surgery costs may be covered. They should also carry the relevant documentation for the initial consultation.
  • Prepare a list of prescription and non-prescription drugs as well as supplements and vitamins that the patient may be currently using. The surgeon may advise some of the drugs to be stopped for a certain period or rescheduled.
  • Note down a comprehensive list of questions and concerns about the Brazilian butt lift. This will make it easier to discuss all issues with the surgeon during the consultation, and no important questions will be missed out.
  • Find a few images from magazines or websites that represent the kind of posterior shape the patient desires. It will help the surgeon to plan the procedure in a customized manner and incorporate the patient’s aesthetic goals.
  • Determine the most convenient time to have the fat transfer buttock augmentation surgery because at least one week may be needed for post-op recovery. This will help to finalize the surgery date during the consultation.

Consultation Process

During the consultation, the cosmetic surgeon will:

  • Assess the anatomical aspects, particularly the buttocks, hips and abdomen. They will also identify the appropriate site to perform liposuction in consultation with the patient. The surgeon will consider the overall proportion and shape to determine the surgical plan to create natural and attractive outcomes.
  • Review health records, going over any potential risks specific to the patient. If the patient needs to gain certain amount of weight or quit smoking, the surgeon will advise the specific goals in advance.
  • Go over the butt lift options and techniques and engage closely with the patient to help create a personalized surgical plan.
  • Develop realistic expectations and review Brazilian butt lift before and after photographs.
  • Discuss various questions as per the list compiled by the patient.
  • Photograph the buttocks with the patient’s consent for use in future “before and after” photos for patient education.

Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for Brazilian butt lift surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

ACPS Update

Due to the impending winter freeze ACPS be modifying officer hours for Wed, Jan 22nd.  Our Memorial and Galleria offices will be open from 12:00 – 5:00 PM.  The ACPS Webster/Clear Lake office will remain closed.  

We hope everyone stays safe & warm during this unique winter freeze event.