What to Expect After Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery

What to Expect After Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery | Houston | KatyRecovery is an important part of tummy tuck cosmetic surgery procedure, and careful post-surgical care will contribute significantly to its overall success. Patients should follow the surgeon’s instructions diligently during the post-op phase to achieve faster healing with minimal risk and sustainable results.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) is a state of the art surgical practice providing tummy tuck and various other procedures. The practice is led by a team of renowned plastic surgeons, who will support the patient throughout the surgical process from pre-op preparation to post-surgical recovery. The practice provides tummy tuck to patients in Houston TX, and surrounding locations.


Following a traditional tummy tuck plastic surgery, the patient should be prepared to rest for about 10 to 14 days on average. They should plan to take time off from work accordingly. If the patient has young children to look after, they should arrange for temporary childcare.
Moderate walking during this initial period is encouraged to support the healing process, but vigorous activities should be avoided for at least three to four weeks. Healthy and protein-rich diet should be maintained during this period to supply the nutrients required for faster healing.

Post-Surgical Care

Following tummy tuck, the cosmetic surgeon will usually place drainage tubes underneath the skin. The patient should empty the drainage two to three times a day, monitor discharge and alert the surgeon in case of excessive discharge or an unpleasant odor. In most cases, the patient will be required to wear a compression garment around the abdomen, which should be worn at all times.
Medications for pain relief, constipation and antibiotics for a few days may be prescribed by the surgeon. Topical ointment may also be recommended to minimize irritation around the incision areas. The ACPS receives patients from Houston TX, and nearby areas for tummy tuck surgery.

Reduced Scarring

Some amount of scarring is unavoidable in a tummy tuck surgery, but an experienced surgeon will be able to minimize the visibility of scars. To further ensure a minimal impact of scarring, the patient should avoid direct sun exposure on the incision sites. Silicone cream, silicone sheets, or petroleum jelly may also be used to reduce the appearance of scar tissue.


The surgeon will advise the patient to refrain from using tobacco products in any form for at least two weeks following the tummy tuck procedure. Patients who smoke during this period are more likely to develop infections, complications, and unsightly scarring. If the patient can avoid smoking for a longer period or quit completely, it will improve healing even further.

Sustainability of Results

With a successful tummy tuck surgery and appropriate post-operative care, the outcome of the procedure can be sustained for many years. The long-term success of the results will depend on how well the patient looks after their body following the surgery. Pursuing an active and healthy lifestyle will extend the tummy tuck benefits such as a flatter, more toned abdominal area for at least a decade and probably more.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.