Much like pregnancy, the recovery period following a mommy makeover requires preparation and patience, but the end result is well worth your time and effort! With the right tools and mindset, you can have a smooth, comfortable healing journey. Discover some of our top mommy makeover recovery tips below.

#1. Plan Ahead With a Mommy Makeover Supply List

Before your surgery, create a mommy makeover recovery must-haves checklist to ensure you’re fully prepared. You’ll want to stock your recovery space with these essentials:

#2. Follow Your Recovery Plan

Your recovery will vary based on the procedures you choose. A mommy makeover typically treats multiple areas of the body, usually with a tummy tuck, breast enhancement procedure, liposuction, and/or a procedure aimed at intimate wellness.

Depending on your treatment plan, your recovery timeline and needs will vary. Be sure to follow all of your surgeon’s instructions closely and never be afraid to reach out with questions or concerns.

#3. Get Your Beauty Rest—the Right Way

Sleeping on your back in an elevated position avoids straining your incisions, putting pressure on healing tissues, and exacerbating swelling. Recliners or wedge pillows are excellent options for helping you maintain your position throughout the night. If possible, start getting in the habit of sleeping on your back before your procedure for a smooth postoperative transition.

We know it’s not always the most natural or comfortable sleeping position, so if you’re wondering, “When can I sleep on my side after a mommy makeover?”, know that it’s typically safe to switch after 4 to 6 weeks. However, you’ll want to confirm with your doctor first that it’s okay to make the change.

#4. Prioritize Rest but Stay Active

While rest is critical in the early stages of recovery, you won’t be on bed rest. Instead, you’ll want to introduce light movement early on to encourage healing. Short, easy walks can help improve circulation and prevent complications like blood clots. The sooner you can start moving, the better.

#5. Ask for Help

Recovery from a mommy makeover is not a solo endeavor. Enlist help from family or friends for daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, and childcare. Having a schedule or communicating your needs early on means that you can focus on yourself after surgery. Plus, it’s always helpful to have an accountability system so you don’t overdo it!

#6. Be Patient With Your Body

It’s normal to feel eager to return to your routine but remember to listen to your body. Questions like, How long after mommy makeover can I… drive, have intercourse, go swimming? are all perfectly valid but will depend on your individual healing rate.

(The general answers, if you’re wondering, are: 2 weeks or when you’re off pain medication and have the necessary mobility to do so, 4 to 8 weeks depending on whether you’ve had labiaplasty or not, and 6 to 8 weeks for pools, the ocean, and hot tubs.)

Keep in mind that recovery milestones will differ for everyone, so don’t rush the process. Your surgeon is here to support you and will determine when you are safe to resume different activities.

Start Your Transformation Today

If you are ready to design your dream body with mommy makeover surgery, get in touch with one of our exceptional plastic surgeons today. Call our office at 713-538-2319 or request a consultation using our online form.

Eyelid surgery is a delicate cosmetic surgery procedure because it is involves the eyes. The patient should ask questions during the initial consultation and try to learnEyelid Surgery Risks and Safety | Houston Plastic Surgery | Texas as much as possible about the procedure and the practice before making a final decision.
A committed surgeon will provide detailed answers to all questions and address any concerns and doubts of the patient to their complete satisfaction.
A well-informed patient will be better prepared for the surgery and will often feel more satisfied with the overall final results. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide eyelid surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations in the illustrious Lone Star State.

How long have you worked in the area of plastic surgery and what kind of training did you receive?

The patient should know about how many years of surgical training and experience the cosmetic surgeon has, and whether they have received specific training in plastic surgery procedures for a certain period.
Surgeons with thorough training and experience will be better placed to handle any unexpected situation in the operating room, and will be able to create customized results in a less invasive way.

Do you have a board certification in plastic surgery?

The surgeon should preferably be a board certified in plastic surgery. Board certification from a reputed board indicates that a surgeon stands out in terms of their training, commitment and previous track record of performance.
These surgeons typically invest in high quality standards and best practices, pursue continuing education, adopt cutting edge surgical techniques, and follow the current safety protocols. Board certified plastic surgeons would have undergone a certain minimum number of years of training in plastic surgery, and would usually enjoy higher success rates in most procedures.

Where would you perform the eyelid surgery procedure?

Eyelid surgery can be performed at a hospital, an accredited surgical center, or a private surgical suite. Each option has its own benefits.
A few large practices may have state of the art in-house surgical centers. The patient should also inquire from the surgeon whether the eyelid surgery procedure would be performed using general or local anesthesia and IV sedation.

How much will be the cost of the procedure?

Eyelid surgery is normally considered an elective procedure, which means that the insurance coverage may not be possible. Therefore, the patient should clearly ask about the estimated costs of the surgery, including the pre- and post-surgical expenses. The surgeon’s office may also be able to guide or assist the patient about a few good financing options.

What are the potential risks and complications?

While eyelid surgery is considered a very safe procedure, it will still involve certain risks that are typically associated with a surgery. On top of this, the upper and lower eyelids are highly sensitive areas, and it is vital to choose a skilled surgeon to minimize the risks. The patient should be aware of the potential risks in order to make a well-informed choice.
Prudent cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and cities in this part of the country for eyelid surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Click here to see our pricing list.

While breast reduction cosmetic surgery is a relatively safe procedure, it is still essential for the patient to be mindful of the possible risks and complications involved. shutterstock_110541740
Poor reaction to anesthesia, risk of infection, asymmetry, and uneven nipple height are some of the potential complications involved in this procedure. However, the benefits will typically outweigh the risks involved in breast reduction surgery.
The breast surgeon will explain the potential risks and complications to the patient during the initial consultation. The primary goal of a dedicated surgeon will be to assist the patient in making an educated decision. Fantastic and cutting edge board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and cities in the amazing state of Texas.

Asymmetry in the Breasts

The breast may appear asymmetrical in some cases after the breast reduction procedure. This risk can be greatly reduced when the patient chooses a skilled and experienced surgeon. The issue of asymmetry in breasts can be rectified later through a revision surgery. Patients should understand that even natural breasts are not entirely symmetrical. Minor variation in the appearance of both breasts is natural and does not warrant a revision surgery.

Uneven Nipple Height

During the breast reduction plastic surgery, the size and shape of the breast will change and some of the breast skin will move in the course of the procedure.
Therefore, it is likely that the position of the nipples alters after the surgery. In some instances, the nipples will be detached and grafted to a new location. Even if the nipples are not detached, the breast skin will change to fit the new and smaller size. The nipple height can become uneven in both these cases.

Change in Sensation

Breast reduction surgery can cause a temporary loss of sensation in the incision locations. The risk of this occurrence increases when the nipple has been grafted to a new location. The risk of altered sensation is much less and mostly temporary in non-grafting procedures. That being said, nipple grafting should only be conducted by a fully trained and experienced surgeon.

Breastfeeding Challenges

It may not be possible for a woman to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery. The level of risk of breastfeeding impairment is associated with the surgical method used. The risk of breastfeeding impairment increases in the anchor pattern breast reduction. Many milk ducts are eliminated in this method which makes it difficult to breastfeed in the future.
The vertical incision breast reduction method will decrease the chances of breastfeeding impairment. In this procedure, some milk ducts remain connected to the nipple. Liposuction can be used if the patient has more fatty tissue and less glandular tissue. The risk of breastfeeding impairment is minimized through liposuction.
The risks of infection and adverse reaction to anesthesia are common to all surgical procedures, including breast reduction. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will apprise the patient of these risks. Stellar and astute cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas across the horizon for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast reduction is a body contouring cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at reducing the size and volume of breasts to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about different facets of breast reduction, including the steps to be undertaken during the surgery.shutterstock_104296214
Patients often feel more confident when they have clear information about what the surgery procedure involves. The surgeon may also present images or testimonials of former patients to help the patient better understand the breast reduction procedure.
Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations in the prolific state of Texas.


The breast reduction surgery process commences with a detailed consultation with the surgeon. The surgeon will establish the patient’s candidacy for breast reduction plastic surgery, assess her personal cosmetic goals, and provide pre- and post-procedure care instructions. The surgeon will also conduct a general health exam, and in some cases, specialized mammograms may also be ordered.


General anesthesia is mostly used to perform a major surgery procedure like breast reduction. But in some cases, local anesthesia with IV sedation may be used. The patient will be brought into the operating room and placed under anesthesia before the procedure starts.
General anesthesia will be performed by an anesthesiologist or a registered nurse anesthetic. They will typically remain in attendance throughout the surgery to oversee how the patient responds to the anesthesia. The patient will be unconscious throughout the procedure and will have no memory of it when she wakes up.

Incision Placement

Surgeons usually perform the breast reduction surgery using one of these three incisions: an anchor shaped incision, a vertical incision, or a scar-less incision. The anchor incision is made around the lower half of the areola border, going vertically down the breast, and then horizontally across the breast crease.
The surgeon will place the vertical incision around the lower half of the areola, and proceed vertically down the breast to reduce scarring. A scar-less incision involves minute incisions made in discreet areas through which fat tissue can be removed using liposuction.

Reduction of Fat and Skin

The surgeon will remove loose skin and excess fat tissue from the lower part of the breasts through these incisions. In case the patient only has fatty tissue in the breasts, and no glandular tissue, it can be removed more conveniently using liposuction. This will significantly decrease tissue trauma, and allow for a faster recovery with minimal scarring.

Nipples Repositioning

The surgeon may reposition the nipples to an elevated level in some cases to create a more natural appearance of the breasts. The nipple will be detached from the breast and grafted to a more appropriate and youthful location. After the surgery is over, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with removable or dissolvable sutures.
Dedicated and dignified cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas in the fantastic Lone State State for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Improvements in cosmetic surgery techniques over the decades have made surgeries such as the breast reduction less invasive and more successful. However, recovery continues to be an important part of the breast reduction surgery process, which will have an impact on the final results. shutterstock_108888686
Patients who are willing to follow the surgeon’s instruction with dedication usually enjoy a faster and more comfortable recovery. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Approximate Downtime

After the breast reduction plastic surgery procedure, the patient needs to stay at home and take adequate rest for a week. Patients are encouraged to perform short walks and mild activities during this period to improve blood flow in the incision areas. Contact with the incisions should be kept to a minimal, and the patient should be cautious to not put strain on the incision area until it has fully healed.
The recovery time can differ from one patient to another depending on the amount of breast tissue removed, the expertise of the surgeon, and the patient’s natural healing ability.
A majority of the patients will be able to go back to work or resume regular activities in about 10 to 14 days. However, lifting heavy weights and rigorous exercise should be restarted only after three to four weeks.

Compression Garments

After the breast reduction surgery, the breasts will be bandaged. The patient may have to visit the surgeon’s office in a day or two after the surgery to get the bandages removed. These bandages will be replaced with a special surgical bra or compression garment, which the patient needs to wear all the time during the initial recovery phase.
Except while bathing, she should wear this garment at all times. The surgical bra or wrap-style compression garment will support the breast tissue and muscle so that the breasts can safely acquire their new shape.

Avoiding Tobacco

Cigarette smoke is detrimental to post-operative healing. The nicotine in tobacco can lead to shrinkage of blood vessels causing reduced oxygen in the blood stream. This reduction in oxygen can create obstructions in the functioning of red blood cells, decrease the pace of recovery, and cause an increased risk of complications. The surgeon will provide the patient details on the timeframe before and after the surgery when they must completely abstain from smoking.

Managing Pain

The surgeon might prescribe pain medicines for the initial days of recovery. This will provide the patient with some comfort from pain and soreness while the bruising and incisions heal. The patient will have to avoid driving and any other activities requiring alertness while on pain medication.
In case the post-operative pain is unbearable or persists for a significant time, the patient should talk to the surgeon. Persistent pain or swelling could be an indication of an infection in the incision site, which will require prompt medical attention.
Outstanding and honorable cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas across the landscape for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast reduction cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to create more proportionate breasts to the rest of the body by removing excess breast tissue. During the initial consultation, the breast surgeon will educate the patient about the surgery and its estimated results.
Some surgeons may like to present breast reduction before and after photographs at the initial consultation stage to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations in the prolific state of Texas.   shutterstock_110541740  

What are Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of breast reduction plastic surgery refer to a set of photographs pertaining to a previous patient who has received the same procedure with satisfactory results. The set include pictures taken before the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when post-operative swelling in the incision sites is resolved and the breasts have attained their new size and shape firmly.
The surgeon will take steps to ensure that before and after photos are obtained from the patient with her proper consent and shown to new patients in an appropriate manner.
The patient’s identity may be kept confidential as per the established protocol. The only purpose of the surgeon here is to use these photographs as a visual aid and explain the potential results of breast reduction to new patients. This can help them make a well-informed choice about the procedure
This will be mentioned again down below but one salient fact that should be emphasized is digital technology. Digital technology has revolutionized so many industries and the plastic surgery industry is none different. Now patients do not have to wait for the consultation to see some vague pictures taken a year prior for instance. They can see with vivid deal without making one phone call work that was perhaps done a week prior.
And they can see these pictures from anywhere they can obtain Internet access.


A woman seeking breast reduction may be apprehensive about how her figure will be impacted with the procedure, whether the scars will show, and what will be the new position of the areolas and nipples. Some women may need a substantial breast tissue reduction, while some others may only need limited correction or just a liposuction procedure.
Sometimes the surgeon may recommend breast reduction in conjunction with breast lift or tummy tuck procedure. In each case, the patient can make best decisions when she has access to breast reduction before and after photos. Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for breast reduction surgery.

Having Realistic Expectations

Good satisfaction levels in any cosmetic procedure are usually achieved when the patient has a positive attitude, clear cosmetic priorities and reasonable expectations. An experienced surgeon may prefer to present breast reduction before and after photos at the first appointment to help ensure that the patient knows what to expect and what not to expect from the results. This minimizes the risk of any disappointment occurring for the patient at a later stage.

Photo Gallery

Many plastic surgery practices have their own websites, which gives the surgeon an opportunity to showcase the results of previous breast reduction surgeries which ACPS does with acumen. They are proud of their work and they should be. Countless Americans and people from all over have been satisfied and have benefited from their amazing and reliable work.  
The breast reduction before and after photos in an exclusive Photo Gallery section on their website offers anyone the ability to judge their work and to see if that will work on them. Never before has this type of knowledge been in the hands of patients before. It is a brave new world and this is one reason why the quality of life of so many people has been lifted.
New patients who are interested in breast reduction surgery can simply access the photos online and review them in the comfort and privacy of their home or office as already been stated. This convenience is amazing.  
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Breast reduction is primarily an elective cosmetic surgery procedure to create a more proportionate figure. However, in some cases, the procedure may also be performed to address pain in the back, neck or shoulders, or rashes and other skin conditions, arising due to oversized and pendulous breasts.
Therefore, insurance coverage for breast reduction could be a possibility if it is performed as a medical necessity. Splendid, innovative, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) shutterstock_113124967provide breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations across the horizon in the amazing state of Texas.

Price Tag Components in Breast Reduction

Patients should be aware of the major cost components involved in a breast reduction plastic surgery procedure.
Surgeon’s Fee
One of the key financial components in breast reduction procedure is the fee charged by the surgeon. The fee can vary according to the skills, experience and recognition of the surgeon in the field of plastic surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recommends that patients should choose the right surgeon for her needs, and the surgeon’s fee should only be a secondary consideration in such a decision.
Anesthesia and Operating Room Costs
Breast reduction surgery may be performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. The fee of the anesthesiologist will be a part of the overall costs. The surgery may be performed at a hospital, an accredited surgery center, or a private surgical suite. The costs and benefits in each case could vary.
Additional Costs
When making a monetary estimate for breast lift, the patient should also consider the costs of prescription drugs, medical tests, mammograms, compression garments or surgical bra, and post-op visits to the surgeon’s office. These cost components can add up to be a considerable amount, and should be accounted for in the cost estimate.

Insurance Aspects

Patients who are considering a breast reduction procedure should contact their insurance company to understand whether full or partial costs of the procedure in their case could be covered by insurance. If the surgery is required to gain relief from pain in the back, neck or shoulders, address skin infection or other medical issues caused due to excessively large breasts, the insurer might cover some or all of the costs.
However, if the surgery is required only to enhance the breast appearance and size, insurance coverage will not be possible. Patients should consider the following tips about breast reduction surgery insurance coverage:

Remarkable and astute cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and suburbs in The Lone Star State for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

breast augmentation, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery
The procedure is usually performed for aesthetic purposes to make the breasts look more attractive, but may also be performed for medical reasons to provide relief to the patient from the problems associated with excessively large breasts.
At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will determine the patient’s candidacy for breast reduction, and will help her make the right decision. Salient, judicious, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities and cities in this area of the state.

Problems with Oversized Breasts

Oversized breasts can disrupt the overall body symmetry and proportion. Furthermore, they may cause obstructions in various activities such as sports or certain types of movements or bending. Patients may find it difficult to wear certain types of clothing, and may become conscious about their appearance in a social setting.
Excessively large breasts may also cause frequent pain in the back, neck and shoulders. Irritation or rashes may occur within the heavy breast fold or crease. If the patient is unable to improve the breast size through diet and exercise, she may benefit from breast reduction plastic surgery.

Suitable Candidates

The surgeons at ACPS will assess the patient’s general health condition, breast anatomy and aesthetic goals before recommending breast reduction. The following attributes typically make a good candidate for breast reduction:


Breast reduction procedure is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia or IV sedation. The surgeon will create the incisions in pre-determined locations in an inconspicuous manner. Excess fat, tissue, and skin will be removed through the incisions surgically. In some cases, the surgeon may combine liposuction with breast reduction surgery to reduce fatty breast tissue.
The incision may be made in a circular manner around the areola, or in a keyhole pattern. In some cases, the surgeon may recommend a vertical incision or an anchor shaped incision. Through the incision the underlying breast tissue will be reduced, shaped and lifted. The surgeon will also reposition the nipples and reduce the size of the areolas by excising skin at the perimeter.
Once the breast size has been reduced, the incisions are brought together to reshape the breasts. The surgeon will place the sutures deep inside the breast tissue to support the newly shaped breasts. They will then close the incisions with surgical tape, skin adhesives or sutures.
Judicious and sensational cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this part of the country for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Safety and efficacy of eyelid lift cosmetic surgery procedure has improved dramatically over the decades due to advancements in technology. However, the expertise of the operating surgeon continues to be the single most vital contributor to the final outcome.eyelid surgery, plastic surgery
Clearly, the patients should be spending a lot of their effort in choosing the best surgeon for their needs. Outstanding, sagacious, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide eyelid surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and cities in this part of the southwest.

Best Aesthetic Practice in Texas

The ACPS was adjudged the Best Aesthetic Practice in Texas and the country’s 5-state south central region at the 2016 My Face My Body Awards in Beverly Hills, California. A distinguished international judging panel awarded ACPS the honor, further reinforcing the Houston based group’s status as one of the pre-eminent aesthetic plastic surgery practices in the United States.
The team of highly trained and experienced surgeons at the ACPS includes:

Why Select a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?

The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the leading board in the country with rigorous standards of selection for awarding certification. Patients who choose a board certified plastic surgeon are assured that the surgeon would have undergone a minimum of three to five years of medical training, including at least two years dedicated exclusively to plastic surgery training.
Board certified plastic surgeons would also typically pursue ongoing training to remain updated with the latest innovations in plastic surgery and provide the best solutions to their patients. They invest in best quality standards and practices, adopt cutting edge surgical techniques, and follow the latest safety protocols.

Personalized Care and Attention

Any cosmetic surgery procedure is a personal journey for the patient. They should ideally select a surgeon with whom they can develop a comfortable rapport, and who is willing to give enough time to listen to their concerns and dispel their doubts. The surgeon should be committed to providing personalized care and attention to every patient.


The surgeons at ACPS firmly believe that most satisfying results in plastic surgery procedures such as eyelid surgery can be achieved when the surgeon customizes the procedure to match with the unique anatomical and cosmetic needs of the patient.
An accomplished and sensational surgeon will be able to create more targeted outcomes in a less invasive way through customization. Their goal is to create desirable aesthetic outcomes with less risk, discomfort, downtime, and minimal to no visible scarring.

Balancing Science and Art

The surgeons at the amazing and pillar of the community ACPS combine the principles of both science and art to create sustainable, natural looking and aesthetically superior outcomes in eyelid lift surgery. They will take into account the aspects of eye symmetry and proportion to create attractive results. Dignified cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for eyelid surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Eyelid surgery is a sensitive cosmetic surgery procedure, even though it is relatively minor. During the initial consultation, the patient should freely ask questions and learn as much as possible about the procedure and the surgeon’s practice before making a final decision.
eyelid surgery, plastic surgeryThe patient should preferably note down the list of questions beforehand and carry it to the surgeon’s office for the consultation. This means you will not forget to ask anything that is vital or at least increase the chances that you will not forget to ask anything that is vital. It will also mean the surgeon will most likely take you more serious since you came into the consultation more prepared than perhaps some others.
Well-informed patients will typically be better prepared for the eyelid surgery and will benefit in terms of overall results. The successful and board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide eyelid surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and suburbs in this part of the US.

Do you have a board certification in plastic surgery?

The surgeon who performs an eyelid lift procedure should ideally be board certified in plastic surgery. Board certified plastic surgeons would invest in high quality standards and best practices, pursue continuing education, adopt advanced surgical techniques, and follow the latest safety protocols.

How many years of training and experience do you have?

The patient should have a clear idea about how much the surgeon has invested in their medical and surgical training and what kind of actual hands-on experience they have in the field of plastic surgery. It is important to choose a surgeon with the necessary skill and expertise, particularly for a delicate procedure such as eyelid surgery.

Have you previously performed eyelid surgery or facial procedures?

Some surgeons may have extensive skill and experience in various procedures related to the body and breast, but may not be well-versed with procedures related to the face or specifically, eye related procedures. It is preferable to choose a surgeon who has a concrete understanding of the facial and eye anatomy and has performed face and eye rejuvenation procedures previously.

Which surgical venue would you recommend for eyelid surgery?

The surgeon will usually have an option to perform eyelid surgery at a hospital, an accredited surgical center or a private surgical suite. Each option presents its own costs and benefits. The surgeon should discuss these options with the patient and suggest the most appropriate one to suit the needs of a patient.

Would you use general or local anesthesia?

The surgeon may recommend general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation to perform eyelid surgery. The patient should know whether anesthesia would be performed by an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist, and would they be present in the operating room until the procedure is completed.

What will be the cost of eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery is usually performed for cosmetic purposes, and the patient will have to pay out of pocket for it. Therefore, they should clarify the cost aspects at the first appointment, and have a clear estimate of all costs, including pre- and post-operative expenses.

What are the potential risks and complications?

To make an informed and poignant choice, the patient should know in advance the typical risks and complications that may be associated with eyelid surgery. The considerate and terrific cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other neighborhoods and communities in this part of the mighty state of Texas for eyelid surgery.

The Day of Surgery

A few simple tips may be followed on the day of the surgery:

Diabetic patients should have their essential parameters checked before they are taken to the operating room. Hospitable and fantastic cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other neighborhoods and cities in this amazing American state for eyelid surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.