Neck Lift 

blonde girlAlthough neck lift is considered to be among the safer and less invasive body contouring cosmetic surgery procedures, but it will still involve certain risks that are typically associated with any surgery. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will apprise the patient of the potential risks and side effects in a transparent manner.
A committed surgeon’s first concern will be to ensure that the patient is completely aware about the pros and cons of neck lift, and makes a well-informed choice. Such patients usually achieve more satisfying final results and appreciate their new look in a better way.
Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center of Plastic Surgery provide neck lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and neighborhoods in this part of Texas.

Common Risks

When a patient decides to undergo neck lift plastic surgery, they will be informed about the risks of anesthesia. Infection is another common risk, which may occur during or after surgery. Unfavorable scarring may take place in a few cases, where the surgeon has been unable to hide the scars or has created larger incisions.
If the surgery room maintains high standards of hygiene and professional care, the risk of an infection occurring during the surgery will be mitigated. The surgical instruments must be carefully sterilized and overall environmental control must be impeccable. Following the surgery, the patient will be instructed to minimize incision exposure to contamination and refrain from submerging the incision sites in water.
Thorough health evaluation should precede the decision to use general anesthesia in order to determine the patient’s fitness for this procedure. This will minimize the risk of adverse anesthesia reaction. Throughout the surgery, an anesthesiologist or a registered nurse anesthetist will be present to administer and monitor the patient’s response to anesthesia.
Surgeons should ideally adopt a conservative approach to neck lift and apply cutting edge techniques in order to produce desirable outcomes with minimal scarring. The patient will be required to refrain from smoking to further reduce the risk of complications and scarring. Accomplished and judicious cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for neck lift.

Other Possible Complications

Some other potential complications of neck lift may include:

Severe complications are extremely rare, particularly when the neck lift surgery is performed by a fully trained and experienced plastic surgeon. However, patients should know that aesthetic priorities are subjective in nature, and a few patients may feel dissatisfied with the new appearance, symmetry or proportion of the neck with other facial features.
Patients should wait for the full results to establish over several months or up to a year. In exceptional situations, a revision surgery may be performed to correct the appearance.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Neck Lift 

facelift 2Neck lift cosmetic surgery procedure involves a few key steps, which will be performed by a qualified surgeon along with their team inside the operating room. Neck lift will primarily require reduction of excess skin from the neck area, but in some cases, underlying loose neck muscles may also be restructured.
The surgeon will discuss the steps involved in the procedure at the time of initial neck lift consultation. A dedicated surgeon will like to educate the patient about all aspects of neck lift and help them make a well-considered choice. Board certified and terrific plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provide neck lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and communities in The Lone Star State.


Prior to the neck lift surgery, the patient will be required to make some preparation in order to ensure a safe and predictable procedure. The surgeon will instruct the patient to refrain from consuming tobacco, excessive alcohol, excessive fatty and sugary foods as well as blood thinners, NSAIDs, and certain vitamin and herbal supplements.
These restrictions may be in place for a few weeks before the procedure. The surgeon or their team will also give instructions for the day of the neck lift plastic surgery. They should arrange for transportation and aftercare, as required, to ensure a comfortable post-operative recovery phase.


Neck lift may be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. This decision will be made at the time of surgical planning. In case of general anesthesia, the patient will be fully unconscious through the surgery. An anesthesiologist or a certified nurse anesthetist will perform general anesthesia.
Once the surgery is completed, the patient will be brought out of anesthesia, but mild side effects will linger on for a few hours. Prolific and hardworking cosmetic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for a neck lift.

Incision Placement

A neck lift can be performed using small incisions, but their size and location will depend on the customized surgical plan prepared during consultation. In most cases, the incisions will be placed under the chin and behind the ears to keep them hidden. Small incisions will heal quickly and permanent scarring will be minimal.
If neck lift surgery is performed in conjunction with facelift or neck liposuction surgery, the incision placement may vary, but the surgeon will try to use the same incisions for the entire surgery.

Surgical Procedure

A simple fat reduction surgery in the neck region may be necessary in some cases to create a sculpted and shapely neck appearance. But in other cases, significant removal of neck skin and fat may be involved along with tightening of underlying neck muscles to produce more dramatic outcomes.
In such cases, the fat tissue from the neck may be removed through surgical excision instead of liposuction. A small portion of the platysma muscle may have to be removed to tighten the slack neck muscles.

Closing the Incisions

Once the surgery is completed, the surgeon will re-drape the remaining skin over the neck and pull it taut. The incisions will be carefully closed with traditional or dissolvable sutures.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

Neck Lift

Neck lift plastic surgery houstonA neck lift cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to enhance the neck appearance by tightening loose skin and underlying muscles and improving the jawline contour.
Neck lift may be performed as a standalone procedure, but is often combined with a facelift, cheek lift or liposuction surgery. Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide neck lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Cosmetic Enhancement

Neck lift surgery creates a sculpted and slimmer appearance of the neck, which will make a person look younger. In many cases, it can give the impression that a person has achieved weight loss, even though it is only a body contouring surgery. More substantive and natural looking outcomes can be created when neck lift is performed in conjunction with a facelift surgery.
When excess neck skin is removed and underlying muscles are tightened, it will also improve the jowly effect to reveal an enhanced jawline. If the patient has excess fatty tissue deposits in the neck, a liposuction surgery of the neck may be combined with neck lift to create a more attractive and slimmer neck appearance.


Neck lift plastic surgery procedure is usually performed on women and men above the age of 40, when the neck skin typically begins to sag. The average candidate will have one or more of the following characteristics for neck lift surgery:


If the candidate only requires minimal neck contouring, the surgeon may recommend just neck liposuction. However, where a full neck lift surgery must be performed, the following steps will be a part of the procedure:

Experienced cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients for neck lift and various other procedures from Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and communities in this part of the country.


A full neck lift procedure may involve a downtime of about one week. The patient should take plenty of rest during this time, but perform short walks and light activities at home. The surgeon may prescribe pain meds and antibiotics for a few days. Sutures and drain tubes may be removed at the end of the first week. Most patients can return to their normal routine at this point, but should avoid strenuous activities for another two to three weeks.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.