Questions to Ask Your Neck Lift Plastic Surgeon

Questions to Ask Your Neck Lift Plastic Surgeon | Houston Cosmetic SurgeryA neck lift can significantly improve the appearance of the neck and lower face and make a person look more youthful and attractive. During the initial consultation for neck lift cosmetic surgery, the patient will have an opportunity to ask as many questions as they want about the procedure as well as the professional credentials of the operating surgeon.  
The patient should go ahead with the decision to undergo neck lift only after they have cleared all their concerns and doubts and are able to make a well-considered choice. The surgeon may recommend neck lift as an independent procedure or in conjunction with neck liposuction, facelift or other procedures to meet the patient’s specific cosmetic needs.
The patient may prepare a list of questions in advance and carry the list to the surgeon’s office for the initial consultation. Board certified and prolific plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide neck lift to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other cities and suburbs in this area of the country.

Do you have a board certification in plastic surgery?  

Patients should ideally choose a surgeon who is board certified in plastic surgery. A board certified plastic surgeon would typically invest in high quality standards and best practices, adopt the latest technology and surgical techniques, pursue continuing education to stay updated with new approaches and solutions, and follow the current safety protocols.  

Have you performed neck and facial surgery before?

While the field of plastic surgery is vast, a few procedures are more intricate than others. Any procedure related to the neck and face requires careful planning and skilful execution in order to sculpt the desired shape and appearance. A surgeon who understands the nuances involved in neck lift surgery and with previous experience in such procedures would be able to create more natural looking, sustainable and harmonious outcomes.

Which surgical facility do you recommend for my surgery?

A neck lift procedure may be performed at a hospital, an accredited surgery center, or a private surgical suite. Each option has its own benefits and limitations, and the costs in each case will vary. The surgeon should preferably have operating privileges at one or more of the local hospitals or surgery centers. They should work with experienced anesthesiologists if the neck lift will involve general anesthesia.

How much will the neck lift surgery cost me?

A neck lift is primarily an elective surgery, and insurance coverage will not be available for most patients. Therefore, it is important to ask questions about the costs involved, the payment methods, and third party financing options. The pre- and post-operative expenses should also be considered in order to have a clear idea of the overall costs involved.

What are the potential risks and complications involved?

The patient should clearly ask about the potential risks and side effects that may be associated with neck lift surgery. This will enable them to make a well-informed choice. Outstanding and focused cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other areas in this region of the state for neck lift surgery and various other cosmetic procedures.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.