Liposuction Before and After Photos

Liposuction Before and After Photos | Houston Plastic Surgery | KatyLiposuction ranks among the top five cosmetic surgery procedures in the US today. At the time of initial consultation for liposuction, the surgeon will discuss about various aspects of the procedure. Some surgeons may also present liposuction before and after photographs at this early stage before the patient.
The first goal of a responsible surgeon will be to educate the patient about liposuction and help them make a well-considered decision. Before and after photographs will play a role in this process. Board certified plastic surgeons at ACPS provide liposuction surgery to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations.

What are Liposuction Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of liposuction refer to a set of images pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone the same surgery with a satisfactory outcome. The set includes images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when the post-operative swelling and bruising has been eliminated and full effects of liposuction are visible.
The surgeon will take care to ensure that the pictures are obtained with the patient’s proper consent and presented before new patients in a discreet way. The sole purpose of the surgeon behind this exercise is to use these photos as a visual aid to explain the potential effectiveness of liposuction plastic surgery to new patients.


When a new patient is considering liposuction surgery, they may only have a limited idea of how the procedure can help to improve their body contours in certain areas and whether it will meet their personal aesthetic goals and needs. Some patients may require liposuction in just a single area for a limited fat removal, while some others may need more extensive surgery in multiple areas.
Sometimes liposuction may be performed in conjunction with other procedures. Techniques such as laser, ultrasound or RF may also be used apart from the popular tumescent liposuction technique. In all such cases, the patient is in a better position to make the right choices when they have access to liposuction before and after photos.
Now in regards to website pictures which will be mentioned again below it needs to be clarified that digital technology has unleashed its incredible aspects onto humanity. Website pictures are used across the social media medium but they are being used in professional areas as well. In other words, there is not too many, if any, industries that have not utilized digital technology.
Now website pictures do many things for many different people. For one, they allow someone to compare what someone looked like before to what they do now and this means any patient can compare this to their situation. This means that someone can almost predict the future which means that anyone signing up for this will know what they are signing up for before they even have the procedure. This decreases the anxiety of everyone involved, certainly the patient.

Keeping Reasonable Expectations

Dedicated surgeons prefer to present liposuction before and after photos at the very outset so that a patient can clearly understand what the procedure can or cannot do for them. Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, and it is also not a skin tightening procedure. Patients with reasonable expectations about fat reduction can achieve the best satisfaction levels.
This simple effort to present before and after images will also mitigate the risk of any disappointment for the patient occurring at a later stage. Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for liposuction surgery.

Website Photos

The surgeon will have an option to present liposuction before and after photos on their practice website for free access to everyone. New patients may review the photos online and feel encouraged to contact the practice for a liposuction consultation. These photos can also be shared via social media for a wider reach to the targeted audience.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.