Facelift Surgery Overview

Facelift Surgery Overview

Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Anti Aging | Houston | Katy TXFacelift, clinically called rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reduce the signs of facial aging and enhance the overall appearance of the face and the jaw. The procedure can take several years off the patient’s face, and make them appear more youthful and alert. Success in a procedure such as facelift lies primarily in how safely and artistically the plastic surgeon will perform the procedure to meet the patient’s goals.
The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery is a leading provider of facelift and other aesthetic surgical and non-surgical procedures. The center receives patients from Houston TX, and the surrounding communities. State of the art surgical facilities and highly experienced surgeons and staff are able to ensure highly successful and satisfying outcomes for patients seeking facelift.

Facelift Candidacy

A number of factors will be evaluated to determine whether a patient is a good candidate for facelift plastic surgery:
Condition of the Skin
If the candidate’s skin still retains a reasonable level of elasticity, suppleness and flexibility, most ideal outcomes can be achieved with facelift surgery. Surgeon will tighten the skin to smooth out the wrinkles and lines on the face, so skin elasticity will help.
Bone Structure
Candidates with a well-defined bone structure will be better off because the bones provide support and contribute to achieving the desired results.
Solid overall health, realistic expectations, and a positive state of mind are other factors that a surgeon will consider to determine the candidacy.


An intensive facelift surgery may be performed with the patient under general anesthesia, otherwise local anesthesia, and IV sedation may suffice. The cosmetic surgeon will prepare the treatment plan in advance in close consultation with the patient. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery provides facelift to patients in Houston and other nearby locations.
Placing the Incisions
The surgeon will strive to strike a balance between effectiveness and discretion while placing the incisions. The incision is usually kept above the hairline to hide the scars, and may follow natural facial creases.
Performing the Surgery
Through the incisions, the surgeon will lift the facial skin to remove excess skin and fat. The underlying facial muscles may be tightened in order to enhance the contours and overall facial appearance. Once the desired level of fat reduction, redistribution and skin excision is performed, the surgeon will reposition the skin with sutures.
The incisions will be closed carefully with traditional or dissolvable sutures. The treated area will be wrapped in bandages. Sometimes, the facelift surgery may be combined with another procedure such as rhinoplasty, brow lift, neck lift, or another surgery. The surgical plan will depend on the patient’s facial anatomy and their unique aesthetic needs.


Most patients will be able to recover enough within a week to 10 days to resume their regular activities at home or go back to work. Mild pain and discomfort may occur in the first week, which can be addressed with pain medications prescribed by the surgeon. Results of the facelift will begin to appear as the initial swelling and bruising subsides gradually.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please  click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.