Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) And What This Entails

Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) And What This Entails | HoustonEar reshaping, also known as otoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure which aims to correct the shape, size, and appearance of one or both ears to make them more proportional to the face and head.
Apart from being performed on adults, it is one of the few plastic surgery procedures that can be carried out on children as long as the ear development in the child is complete. Otoplasty can easily address congenital ear deformities.
At the outset, the surgeon will evaluate the ear shape and condition relative to the face and head, and recommend a suitable ear surgery plan.
They will employ innovative surgical techniques to correct excessively large, asymmetrical or disproportionate ears in a minimally invasive manner. The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS), led by board certified and judicious plastic surgeons, provides otoplasty to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations across the horizon.

Ideal Candidates

An ideal candidate for otoplasty is any healthy person who is unhappy about the appearance of their misshapen, disproportionate, or flapping ears. If a child meets one or more of the following requirements, they can receive otoplasty to correct deformed or misshapen ears:

  • At least five years of age with the ear cartilage fully grown and stable
  • Absence of any untreated ear infection
  • Ability to understand the surgeon’s instructions and cooperate towards a successful procedure

Adults, as well as teenagers, are ideal otoplasty candidates.

Surgical Procedure

Ear reshaping plastic surgery is designed to create an ear shape that is proportionate to other facial features and the size of the head. Furthermore, it is vital that both ears match each other identically.
The surgeon may perform the ear surgery under local anesthesia with sedation or mild general anesthesia. In case the ears are very protuberant, the surgeon may create or enhance the anti-helical fold inside the rim of the ear. Simultaneously, they will decrease the enlarged conchal cavity.
The surgeon will usually place the incisions behind the ears to ensure that the scars are discreet. In some cases, they may have to place the incisions on the front. However, they will still place these incisions inconspicuously within the ear folds. The surgeon will also use internal sutures to hold the newly shaped cartilage in the appropriate position.
The incisions are sealed with external sutures after the surgery is complete. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, otoplasty outcomes appear very natural. Furthermore, the results of the ear surgery are typically permanent.


The recovery duration can differ among patients on the basis of whether one or both ears have undergone the procedure as well as the extent of the surgery. Most patients can resume their routine in around one week.
The patient may take pain meds during the initial few days to remain comfortable. The inflammation and bruising will decrease significantly from the second week onwards. During the first post-operative follow-up consultation at the end of week one, the surgeon will typically remove the external sutures.
The accomplished cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and cities in this fantastic part of the country for ear reshaping surgery.

For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.

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