Buttock Augmentation Recovery

Buttock Augmentation Recovery | Houston Plastic Surgery | Katy TXButtock augmentation cosmetic surgery can be performed using fat grafting technique, which will avoid the need for implants and make the procedure relatively less invasive. However, the procedure will still involve a considerable recovery period, and the patient should be fully aware of the expected recovery timeline in order to make an informed decision.
The first goal of the plastic surgeon will be to educate the patient on all aspects of buttock augmentation with fat grafting, including the estimated recovery process. Experienced and board certified plastic surgeons at the ACPS provide buttock augmentation with fat grafting to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities.

Recovery Guidelines

The surgeon will provide detailed instructions to be followed during the buttock augmentation plastic surgery recovery period. Patients can expect to have a safer and quicker recovery if they adhere to the surgeon’s advice in this period. If the patient is a smoker, they should refrain from smoking for a few weeks.
In the first few days, the patient should take plenty of rest at home, but perform short walks to maintain blood flow. They should set or lie down in such a way that direct pressure on the buttocks is avoided. They should stay sufficiently hydrated, avoid bending or performing vigorous activities, and wear the compression garment at all times except when bathing.

Recovery Process

The recovery process and timeline can slightly differ between two patients. Experienced cosmetic surgeons at the ACPS will explain the estimated recovery process to their patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas.
First Week
The surgeon will recommend the patient to stay at home for the first week to allow the initial healing to occur without incident. From the third day, the patient can take a shower and gently wash the buttocks after removing the compression garment. At the end of the first week, the surgeon may remove the sutures and temporary drain tubes. Thereafter, the patient may resume their normal activities or return to work.
The patient may arrange for several pillows and cushions for the initial period so that resting or sleeping can be done without putting pressure on the incision areas. Bruising will subside considerably by the end of first week, but swelling will linger on and disappear gradually over several weeks.
Next Few Weeks
For at least two to three weeks following buttock augmentation, the patient should avoid squatting, stretching or more strenuous activities and exercises. After the surgeon’s review at the end of the first week, the patient may be allowed to stop wearing the compression garment and sit on their buttock.
The patient may start driving once they are off the pain medications and the compression garment has been removed. Bathing in a tub or swimming should be avoided for at least one month.

Long-term Recovery

Full recovery may be attained in about two to six months. The treated areas may be exposed to the sun only a year after the surgery. The transferred fat would have fully settled in a few months, and the patient can enjoy their new, youthful looking posterior figure.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.