Buttock Augmentation | Brazilian Butt Lift Risks and Safety

Brazilian Butt Lift Risks and Safety | Houston Plastic SurgeryRisks involved in fat transfer buttock augmentation or Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery are relatively lower, but the patient should still have clear information about it. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive this procedure from board certified plastic surgeons at ACPS.


The risk of infection is higher if the surgical venue and operating room are not properly sterilized, or if the patient does not clean the wounds as instructed. If signs of infection such as persistent redness, fever, green or yellow drainage or a foul smells are seen during post-op recovery, the patient immediately get in touch with the surgeon.

Unfavorable Scarring

Scarring is usually minimal in case of fat transfer buttock augmentation plastic surgery. An experienced surgeon will place very small incisions to insert tiny cannula for liposuction as well as for subsequent fat transfer to the buttock area. However, if the surgeon has little or no experience with liposuction, they may create larger or indiscreetly placed incisions, which can lead to unfavorable scarring.

Reabsorbed Fat

During the process of fat transfer for Brazilian butt lift, some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed. This can marginally diminish the final impact of the procedure. An experienced surgeon can minimize the risk of reabsorption by using the highest quality purified fat.
The patient should also ensure not to put pressure on the buttocks for about two weeks following the surgery. They should wear the compression garment at all times as per the surgeon’s instructions. Absorption can be maximized by using a greater number of smaller injections placed into diverse areas of healthy tissue.


Fluid buildup can occur beneath the incision area, creating painful swelling and increasing the risk of infection. Proper incision care and placement of drainage tubes can minimize the risk of seroma. If the patient suffers from this condition after the surgery, they should contact the surgeon to suction out the accumulated serous fluid.

Excessive Bleeding

Wounds may sometimes bleed excessively if the incisions have not been properly sutures, or the patient suffers from slow healing, or has used anticoagulant medications. In the first month following Brazilian butt lift, the patient should refrain from vigorous activities to minimize the risk of bleeding. In rare cases, excessive bleeding may require blood transfusion or additional surgery.

Tissue Necrosis

When the buttock tissue is modified, it can sometimes limit their blood and nutrition supply. This can lead to the death of healthy surrounding tissue. The destroyed cells may create stiffness, discoloration and skin irregularities. The tissue affected by necrosis may have to be surgically removed. This risk is higher among patients who smoke.

Prolonged Sensation Loss

Temporary numbness in some areas of the buttock tissue following surgery is expected, and sensitivity will gradually return. However, in rare cases, if the nerves get damaged during the surgical procedure, the patient may experience a prolonged or permanent loss of sensation. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas have an opportunity to receive Brazilian butt lift from experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery(ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.