Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery Risks And Safety

While breast reduction cosmetic surgery is a relatively safe procedure, it is still essential for the patient to be mindful of the possible risks and complications involved. shutterstock_110541740
Poor reaction to anesthesia, risk of infection, asymmetry, and uneven nipple height are some of the potential complications involved in this procedure. However, the benefits will typically outweigh the risks involved in breast reduction surgery.
The breast surgeon will explain the potential risks and complications to the patient during the initial consultation. The primary goal of a dedicated surgeon will be to assist the patient in making an educated decision. Fantastic and cutting edge board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast reduction to patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and other towns and cities in the amazing state of Texas.

Asymmetry in the Breasts

The breast may appear asymmetrical in some cases after the breast reduction procedure. This risk can be greatly reduced when the patient chooses a skilled and experienced surgeon. The issue of asymmetry in breasts can be rectified later through a revision surgery. Patients should understand that even natural breasts are not entirely symmetrical. Minor variation in the appearance of both breasts is natural and does not warrant a revision surgery.

Uneven Nipple Height

During the breast reduction plastic surgery, the size and shape of the breast will change and some of the breast skin will move in the course of the procedure.
Therefore, it is likely that the position of the nipples alters after the surgery. In some instances, the nipples will be detached and grafted to a new location. Even if the nipples are not detached, the breast skin will change to fit the new and smaller size. The nipple height can become uneven in both these cases.

Change in Sensation

Breast reduction surgery can cause a temporary loss of sensation in the incision locations. The risk of this occurrence increases when the nipple has been grafted to a new location. The risk of altered sensation is much less and mostly temporary in non-grafting procedures. That being said, nipple grafting should only be conducted by a fully trained and experienced surgeon.

Breastfeeding Challenges

It may not be possible for a woman to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery. The level of risk of breastfeeding impairment is associated with the surgical method used. The risk of breastfeeding impairment increases in the anchor pattern breast reduction. Many milk ducts are eliminated in this method which makes it difficult to breastfeed in the future.
The vertical incision breast reduction method will decrease the chances of breastfeeding impairment. In this procedure, some milk ducts remain connected to the nipple. Liposuction can be used if the patient has more fatty tissue and less glandular tissue. The risk of breastfeeding impairment is minimized through liposuction.
The risks of infection and adverse reaction to anesthesia are common to all surgical procedures, including breast reduction. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will apprise the patient of these risks. Stellar and astute cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas across the horizon for breast reduction surgery.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.