Breast Enlargement Candidates

Breast Enlargement Candidates | Houston Plastic Surgery | Katy TexasWomen may seek breast enlargement cosmetic surgery primarily for aesthetic purposes, whether to increase the size of disproportionately small breasts, improve the symmetry and balance between the breasts, or simply to create a more voluptuous figure. In some cases, breast implant surgery may be performed as a part of breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Board certified plastic surgeons at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS) provide breast enlargement and various other procedures for the breast, body, and face. Patients in Houston, Texas, TX, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive cutting edge treatments at ACPS.

Need for Breast Enlargement

A key part of the process to determine candidacy for breast enlargement plastic surgery is to understand the patient’s intrinsic reason for seeking this procedure. The patient is in the best position to answer this question and the surgeon should encourage her to provide a frank and well-considered answer. Some of the common reasons why women seek breast enlargement include:

  • Making the breasts more proportionate with the rest of the body
  • Correcting symmetry between unevenly sized or shaped breasts
  • Achieving a more attractive and feminine appearance
  • Restoring breast volume following pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight fluctuations
  • Correcting birth defects in one or both breasts
  • Adding volume to the breasts to correct micromastia
  • Reconstructing breasts after mastectomy
  • Boosting body image and self-esteem

Experienced cosmetic surgeons at ACPS receive patients from Houston, Texas, TX, and nearby areas for breast enlargement surgery. The surgeon will help a candidate form realistic expectations about the procedure so that she can make an appropriate decision.

Health Requirements

To be accepted as a candidate for breast enlargement, the patient should be in good overall health. The surgeon will perform a health exam, review breast anatomy and skin quality, and evaluate the medical and surgical history of the patient. The patient should be prepared to disclose health related information as required by the surgeon to ensure the patient’s safety during the procedure.
If the patient is a smoker or has been taking certain medications or herbal supplements, she should be forthright in informing the surgeon so that pre- and post-operative instructions can be given properly. The patient’s body weight should be stable and moderate, and she should be free from infections and bleeding tendency. She should not be currently pregnant or breastfeeding, and should be free from any cancerous or pre-cancerous breast tissue.

Minimum Age

The FDA has approved silicone breast implants to be used in breast enlargement for women above the age of 21. The same minimum age limit applies to form stable or ultra-cohesive breast implants as well. In case of saline implants, women in the age group of 18 and above can receive breast enlargement.
Women below the age of 18 may only receive breast implants to correct breast tissue injuries and birth related deformities. Candidates who are willing to follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-surgical instructions diligently and are able to accepted and maintain a reasonable expectation will usually achieve a more satisfactory and pleasant outcome.
For more information about The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS)physicians and the cosmetic surgery treatments and procedures they perform please click here or call us at 713.799.9999. We have offices in and around Houston, Texas.